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Would you rather … Choose a side and for 5 minutes write everything you can think of to support your answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Would you rather … Choose a side and for 5 minutes write everything you can think of to support your answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Would you rather … Choose a side and for 5 minutes write everything you can think of to support your answer.

2 Would you rather… Choose a side and for 5 minutes write everything you can think of to support your answer. Be able to pause the world around you, or to silence it? Be able to fast-forward life, or to rewind it? Live in a world without cell phones or a world without computers? Live in a home without electricity-OR-in a home without running water? Spend a five hour car ride with Justin Beiber or Taylor Lautner Eat chocolate-flavored poop or eat poop-flavored chocolate?

3 Four Square Argument Chart
Assignment: Recount an argument you had with a family member or a friend. Fill in the “Four Square Argument” chart. Four Square Argument Chart What are the main points of your argument? What are the main arguments of your parents/friends? What are the counterarguments you will hear from your parents/friends? What are the counterarguments you would present to your family/friends?

4 Step 1: Your Side In the top left corner of the chart, state your side of the issue. Ms. Citton’s Example Last year, my younger sister wanted to go to Disneyland with her relatively new boyfriend. My Side You’re too young You’ve only been dating him for 3 months You don’t have any money Mom and dad aren’t comfortable with it If he’s respectful of us and our feelings, then he’ll be ok with waiting a year. What if you break-up before your flight?

5 Step 2: Counterarguments
In the bottom left corner, list the counterarguments you would hear from your family/friends. Ms. Citton’s Example Last year, my younger sister wanted to go to Disneyland with her relatively new boyfriend. Her Counterarguments I’m 19 – a legal adult. We’ve been dating for 3 months – by the time we go, it will be 7 months I have what’s in my savings account, and I will save what I can until we go. Mom and dad have met him and you all like him. Stop guilt tripping me. What’s the difference if we go now or later? Then we’ll figure it out.

6 Step 3: Their side In the top right corner, list your parents/friends arguments. Ms. Citton’s Example Last year, my younger sister wanted to go to Disneyland with her relatively new boyfriend. Her Arguments When my boyfriend’s grandmother passed away, she left him some money with the instructions: use this money to take a wonderful, memorable trip. He has invited me to Disneyland – somewhere I have never been, but really want to go. He wants to go with me – he could have chosen any one but he picked me!

7 Step 4: My Counterarguments
In the bottom right corner, list your counterarguments. Ms. Citton’s Example Last year, my younger sister wanted to go to Disneyland with her relatively new boyfriend. My Counterarguments If he was given the money, then there is no expiry date. We’re not saying you can’t go; we’re saying wait. You’re his girlfriend and the girl he likes now – he’ll pick you until you break up.

8 YOUR TURN Ms. Citton’s Example
Last year, my younger sister wanted to go to Disneyland with her relatively new boyfriend. My Side You’re too young You’re only been dating him for 3 months You don’t have any money Mom and dad aren’t comfortable with it If he’s respectful of us and our feelings, then he’ll be ok with waiting a year. What if you break-up before your flight? Her Arguments When my boyfriend’s grandmother passed away, she left him some money with the instructions: use this money to take a wonderful, memorable trip. He has invited me to Disneyland – somewhere I have never been, but really want to go. He wants to go with me – he could have chosen any one but he picked me! Her Counterarguments I’m 19 – a legal adult. We’ve been dating for 3 months – by the time we go, it will be 7 months I have what’s in my savings account, and I will save what I can until we go. Mom and dad have met him and you all like him. Stop guilt tripping me. What’s the difference if we go now or later? Then we’ll figure it out. My Counterarguments If he was given the money, then there is no expiry date. We’re not saying you can’t go; we’re saying wait. You’re his girlfriend and the girl he likes now – he’ll pick you until you break up. YOUR TURN

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