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‘Hermeneutical Key’ 5/26/2019

2 SIMILARITIES Monotheism Similar history Prophets Scriptures
Moral teachings Volition

3 Hermeneutical Key (Genesis 3:8-9)
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called out to the man, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:8-9)

4 Finding Hermeneutical Key
1.) Garden of Eden: From Genesis 3:8-9 Limitation: This omnipotent God came down and was walking in the garden. Response: This omniscient, all-knowing God called out, “Where are you?”, thus expecting a response. Relationship: The all-powerful creator God seemed to have a personal relationship with Adam and Eve.

5 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth On Earth

6 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant On Earth Personal

7 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant ‘Tawhid’ On Earth Personal Plural, loving Godhead

8 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant ‘Tawhid’ Master/Slave On Earth Personal Plural, loving Godhead Father/Child

9 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant ‘Tawhid’ Master/Slave No Relationship On Earth Personal Plural, loving Godhead Father/Child Lost Relationship

10 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant ‘Tawhid’ Master/Slave No Relationship No Just for Unjust On Earth Personal Plural, loving Godhead Father/Child Lost Relationship Fulfilled by Christ

11 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Garden of Eden: God: Trinity: Humanity: Sin: Atonement: Incarnation: Not on Earth Distant ‘Tawhid’ Master/Slave No Relationship No Just for Unjust No pollution On Earth Personal Plural, loving Godhead Father/Child Lost Relationship Fulfilled by Christ Emmanuel

12 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Progressive & Authoritative

13 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Insh’allah Progressive & Authoritative Foreknowledge

14 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Insh’allah Khilafa Progressive & Authoritative Foreknowledge Sojourners

15 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Insh’allah Khilafa Dualistic Progressive & Authoritative Foreknowledge Sojourners Exists Everywhere

16 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Insh’allah Khilafa Dualistic Verbatim & memorized Progressive & Authoritative Foreknowledge Sojourners Exists Communication with God

17 Differences between: Islam Christianity
Revelation: Predestination: Theocracy: Spirit World: Prayer: Paradise: Qur’an perfect Insh’allah Khilafa Dualistic Verbatim & memorized Man centered Progressive & Authoritative Foreknowledge Sojourners Exists Communication with God God centered


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