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Martin Luther By William.

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1 Martin Luther By William

2 Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther went to face the Catholic Church by himself. He grew up in a town called Mounfield in northern Germany. He was a determined man who never gave up. He wanted it to be Gods way.

3 What did Martin Luther do?
Martin Luther was working at a university. Martin Luther began a new church were peasants and German princes went. More then thousands were killed because they went to Martin Luther's church. He also married someone called Katharina Von Bora and they had six children.

4 When was Martin Luther born?

5 When did Martin Luther do the important things he did?
In May 1522, he began a new church. At age 27 he was given a opportunity to go to Rome.

6 Where was Martin Luther born?
He was born in Eisleben, Saxony, Germany.

7 Where did Martin Luther do the important things he did?
After he went to university he stayed and did a lot of things to help so they said he could go to Rome. When he was in Eisenach he began his own church.

8 Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church?
He challenged the Catholic Church because he didn't believe what they said. He also didn't believe that you have to give food, toys, animals and money.

9 How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church?
He said to the Catholic Church that its teachings were wrong. He also translated the bible in to German so now also defined the Rome Catholic Church this allowed members of the church who had committed suicide to be buried in church cemeteries.

10 How did the church try and stop Martin Luther?
They tried to kill him because they wanted to be rich but if Martin Luther succeeded they won't be rich. They also wanted the peasants to believe in God the wrong way.

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