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about 100 billion multipolar neurons

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1 about 100 billion multipolar neurons
The Brain about 100 billion multipolar neurons

2 Divided into 4 major sections
Brain stem Cerebellum Diencephalon Cerebrum

3 Protective covering meninges

4 Blood-brain barrier

5 Cerebrospinal fluid provides protection, maintains proper ion concentration for the CNS, and provides a pathway to the blood for waste


7 Brain Stem Connects cerebrum and diencephalon to the spinal cord
Midbrain- reflexes Pons- breathing Medulla oblongata- heart rate, breathing, blood pressure Reticular formation- arousal (comatose state)

8 Cerebellum Anterior and posterior lobes
Coordination of desired movements Regulates posture and balance Cognitive and language processing

9 Diencephalon Located between cerebral hemispheres and above the midbrain Contains: Thalmus- relay station for sensory impulses Hypothalmus- maintains homeostasis by regulating: Heart rate Temperature Water/ electrolyte balance Hunger Glandular secretions Sleep

10 - Epithalamus- superior and posterior to
Contains pineal gland- secretes hormone melatonin (endocrine)

11 Diencephalon

12 The Basal Ganglia (caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus) act as a relay station for motor impulses travelling from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord


14 The cerebral cortex interconnects with the basal ganglia, the thalmus and the hypothalmus to form the Limbic System Controls emotional experience and expression

15 Cerebrum Divided into 2 cerebral hemispheres by the corpus callosum
Convolutions- ridges of the brain (gyri) Sulcus- shallow groove Fissure- deep groove

16 Lobes of the cerebrum (higher brain function)
Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital Insula

17 Covered in a thin layer of gray matter called the Cerebral Cortex
Motor area (mostly frontal) Sensory area (mostly parietal) Association areas (throughout cerebrum) Frontal- concentration, problem solving, planning Parietal- compose speech, touch sensation Temporal understand speech, reading, music Occipital- analyzing visual patterns


19 frog bird cat

20 Electroencephalogram (EEG)

21 Cranial nerves I - Olfactory II - Optic III - Oculomotor
IV - Trochlear V - Trigeminal VI - Abducens VII - Facial VIII - Auditory IX - Glossopharyngeal X - Vagus XI - Accessory XII - Hypoglassal

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