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Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry 1.2: Chemistry & Matter 1.3: Scientific Methods 1.4: Scientific Research

2 Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry 1.2: Chemistry & Matter

3 Composition, Structure, and Behavior
Chemistry and Matter: Basic Concepts Composition, Structure, and Behavior Chemistry is the science of structure and properties of matter. Matter: anything that takes up space and has mass. All the stuff around you! Structure of matter: its composition (what it is made of) how it is organized.

4 Composition, Structure, and Behavior
Chemistry and Matter: Basic Concepts Composition, Structure, and Behavior Mass: the amount of matter that an object contains. Weight: the amount of matter under a gravitational pull, (not the same everywhere).

5 Macroscopic view: matter that is large enough to be seen
Chemistry and Matter: Basic Concepts Views of Matter sucrose and aspirin contain of C, H, and O atoms, but they have different behaviors and functions. Macroscopic view: matter that is large enough to be seen Submicroscopic view: a glimpse into the world of atoms.

6 Using Models in Chemistry
Chemistry and Matter: Basic Concepts Using Models in Chemistry Scientific model: a thinking device that helps to understand and explain macroscopic observations. built on experimentation.

7 Classification by Composition
Chemistry and Matter: Basic Concepts Classification by Composition By composition: the broadest type of classification. A qualitative observation: one that can be made without measurement. When you examine an unknown piece of stuff, you first ask, “What is it made of?” A quantitative observation: uses measurement. The next question that you might ask is how much of each of the elements is present.

8 Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry 1.3: Scientific Methods

9 It is an organized way for scientists to… do research
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Method of Science A scientific method: a systematic approach to answer a question or study a situation. It is an organized way for scientists to… do research verify the work of other scientists.

10 A typical scientific method includes: 1.) making observations,
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A typical scientific method includes: 1.) making observations, Qualitative data: color, odor, shape some other physical characteristic that relates to the five senses. Quantitative data: numerical data

11 A typical scientific method includes:
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A typical scientific method includes: 2.) forming a hypothesis, Hypothesis: a possible explanation for what has been observed. 3.) Researching what has already been discovered.

12 A typical scientific method includes:
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A typical scientific method includes: 4.) performing an experiment, Experiment: a set of controlled observations that test a hypothesis.

13 4. Performing an experiment
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts 4. Performing an experiment Independent variable: The variable that is changed in an experiment Dependent variable: The variable that you watch to see how it changes because of your changes to the independent variable Control: a standard for comparison.

14 Additional Assessment Questions
Practice questions Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the following experiments. 1) A student tests the ability of a given chemical to dissolve in water at three different temperatures. independent variable: dependent variable:

15 Additional Assessment Questions
Practice questions Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the following experiments. 2) A farmer compares how his crops grow with and without phosphorous fertilizers. independent variable: dependent variable:

16 A typical scientific method includes:
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A typical scientific method includes: 5.) Analyzing Data 6.) arriving at a conclusion. Conclusion: a judgment based on the data obtained If data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis is tentatively affirmed. Hypotheses are never proven; they are always subject to additional research.

17 A typical scientific method includes: 1.) Observations
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A typical scientific method includes: 1.) Observations 2.) Hypothesis 3.) Research - info 4.) Experiment 5.) Analyzing Data 6.) Conclusion

18 Help these students put the scientific in the proper order:
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods Help these students put the scientific in the proper order:

19 Model: visual, verbal, and/or mathematical explanation of data
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods Model: visual, verbal, and/or mathematical explanation of data Created over time from many experiments Theory: an explanation of principles that has been supported by many experiments. Always subject to new experimental data Modified to include new data.

20 A scientific law describes a relationship in nature
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Methods A scientific law describes a relationship in nature supported by many experiments no exception has been found usually in the form of a mathematical equation It is a pattern or trend, NO EXPLANATION.

21 Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry 1.4: Scientific Research

22 Applied research: undertaken to solve a specific problem.
Chemistry and Matter: Additional Concepts Scientific Research Pure research: done to gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself. Applied research: undertaken to solve a specific problem.

23 Practice questions Classify each kind of research as pure or applied:
Additional Assessment Questions Practice questions Classify each kind of research as pure or applied: 1) A scientist studies plants in a rain forest in search of chemicals that might be used to treat AIDS. 2) A researcher studies the effects of hormones on the brain of a worm. 3) A researcher tries to develop cleaner burning fuels to help reduce air pollution.

24 End of ch 1

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