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School of Systems and Enterprises Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

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1 School of Systems and Enterprises Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
ES/SDOE 678 Reconfigurable Agile Systems and Enterprises Fundamentals of Analysis, Synthesis, and Performance Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System Speed Camel X Angela Tokarz William Rogers Clement Sparks Quan Nguyen School of Systems and Enterprises Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

2 Team: Speed Camel X System: Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
Descriptive Statement The Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System is an augmented reality headset designed to provide soldiers with situational awareness of the battlefield. The headset is designed to be enhanced with modular upgrades for different combat situations. Objectives High Utilization Reliable Durable Low maintenance Easily configurable Team members: Angela Tokarz, William Rogers, Clement Sparks, Quan Nguyen

3 Put as many points in each category as you feel appropriate
CURVE High-Level System/Process Environment Consider both reactive threats & proactive opportunities to seize, within mission Caprice: unknowable situations Nature of the next threat (reactive) Uncertainty: randomness with unknowable probabilities What the combat zone will the soldier be dropped in (reactive) Think of all possible environment we have been in before (proactive) Risk: randomness with knowable probabilities Enemy team size (reactive) Variation: knowable variables and variance range Our team size (reactive) Performance differences in multiple COTS-sources (proactive) Evolution: gradual (relatively) successive developments Availability of superior competing technology (reactive) What new technology can be incorporated into the headset (proactive)

4 Reality Factors - Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
Human (Including Customer) Behavior Reality – Human error, whimsy, expediency, arrogance... Undesigned use of the helmet by soldiers Organizational Behavior Reality – Survival rules rule, nobody's in absolute control... Team member doesn’t follow training – one of the group member doesn’t use the headset. Technology Pace Reality – Accelerating technology and security vulnerability... Adversaries have the capability to hack into the headset Adversaries can jam the headset System Complexity Reality – Incomprehensible, networked, unintended consequences, emergence... Developing for reasonably possible threats creating a complex system Globalization – Partners/customers/employees with different ethics, values, infrastructures, culture... Diverse backgrounds lead to different code of ethics within the team. Not all believe in country first. Partially-Agile Enterprise Reality (Faddish Practices) – Outsourcing, web services, COTS policies... Security vulnerabilities in using COTS equipment Agile Customers/Competitors/Adversaries – Distributed, collaborative, impatient, innovative... Adversaries behaviors create a new threat Other?

5 Response Situation Analysis for System: Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
with [t,c,p,s] metric-priorities for each issue, t = time of response, c = cost of response, p = predictability of response, s = scope of response Domain Response Issue Proactive Reactive Creation (and Elimination) What artifacts/data/knowledge must the system/process be creating or eliminating during operational activity? Battlefield Awareness [t] Communication [p, t] Sensor readout [p, t] Improvement What process/system performance characteristics will be expected to improve during its operational life cycle? Longer communication range [c, s] * Comfort [c] Improved sensor capabilities [c, s] * Usability (how to operate) [s, c] Operation time [s] Migration What major events coming down the road will require a change in the process/system infrastructure? Exoskeleton [c] Modification (Add/Sub Capability) What modifications to employable resources might need made as the process/system is used? New sensors [c, p] New materials (better protection and weight) [p, c] New communication standards [s, t] Correction What will impair/obstruct process/system agility that will need an automatic systemic detection and response? Jamming [p] Hacking [p] Variation What process/system variables will range across what values and need accommodation? Noise [p] Environment [p] Head sizes [c] Expansion (and Contraction of Capacity) What are “quantity-based” elastic-capacity range needs on resources/output/activity/other? Number of teammates that can communicate together from 2x [s] Number of sensors can be installed on headset 2x [s] Reconfigu-ration What types of resource relationship configurations will need changed during operation? Swapping out different sensors [s, c] Swapping out team members [s, p]

6 System: Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
(Think … Drag-and-Drop / Plug-and-Play) Encapsulated Resources Sensors Communication Equipment Display Computer Power Source Input Interface (Touch and Voice) Scalable Reusable Evolving Infrastructure Sockets: There are physical interconnects from all resources to the computer Signals: Data flow from sensors and comms to the computer. Power flow from power source to computer and all connected resources Input data (touch and voice commands) flow to computer. Graphical data flow from computer to display. Security: Encryption for data between headsets Tamper protection for data between the encapsulated resources Safety: Sensor Radiation Environmental Protection Anti Jamming Anti Hacking Service: Provide battle awareness, sensor readout, and squad communication sockets (physical interconnect) signals (data/stuff flow between resources) security (trust interconnect between resources) safety (of user, system, and environment) service (system assembly ConOps and evolutionary agility sustainment)

7 System Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
Make entries for 1) Resources, 2) Passive Infrastructure 5s’s, 3) Assembly Configuration Examples, 4) Active Infrastructure. Think about “real” configuration varieties and representative resource icons Resources Integrity Management Sensors Comms Computer Display Power Input Situational awareness Resource mix evolution Resource readiness Activity assembly Infrastructure evolution Military Program Manager Product Owner Product Owner and Chief Engineer Designer Chief Engineer Active Infrastructure Passive City Jungle Desert Sockets Signals Security Safety Service What? Rules/Standards

8 RRS Principles for System: Soldier Helmet Integrated Telemetry System
(Think: Plug-and-Play, Drag-and-drop) Reconfigurable Scalable Reusable Encapsulated Resources Resources are encapsulated independent units loosely coupled through the passive infrastructure. Sensors * Power Source Communication Equipment * Input Interface Display Computer Evolving Infrastructure Key elements of the infrastructure likely to evolve and need to be evolvable? Data Bus Common Communication Standards Facilitated Interfacing (Pluggable) Resources & infrastructure have features facilitating easy module insertion/removal. Shared Data Bus Common Communication Standards Standard Ports and Sockets Redundancy and Diversity Duplicate resources provide fail-soft & capacity options; diversity provides functional options. Redundancy across multiple systems within the team Swappable sensors and comms equipment provide diversity in functional options Facilitated Reuse Resources are reusable and/or replicable; with supporting facilitation for finding and employing appropriate resources. Hardware and software conforming to standards Elastic Capacity Resource populations & functional capacity may be increased and decreased widely within the existing infrastructure. Number of sensors supported Numbers of helmet within the network Peer-Peer Interaction Resources communicate directly on a peer-to-peer relationship; parallel rather than sequential relationships are favored. Direct communication through ad-hoc network Distributed Control & Information Decisions made at point of maximum knowledge; information accessible globally but kept locally. Battle awareness and data is distributed to the whole team allowing the soldier with the opportunity and knowledge to make the decision Deferred Commitment Resource relationships are transient when possible; decisions & fixed bindings are postponed until necessary. Configuration decisions deferred until mission start Self-Organization Resource relationships are self-determined; and resource interaction is self-adjusting or negotiated. The system determines what resources it has and how those resources interact with each other depending on what sensors and comms equipment are connected.

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