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China’s OCP Issues Starter:

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Presentation on theme: "China’s OCP Issues Starter:"— Presentation transcript:

1 China’s OCP Issues Starter:
L.O: To explain the positives and negatives of the OCP, and what impact this has had on their population socially. Starter: Watch the music video and try to write down 2 key facts or interesting lyrics that were stuck out to you

2 What is gendercide? Gendercide is the killing of one particular gender.

3 In-Class Essay Now that we have done a substantial amount of learning on the OCP, it is time to write a researched essay. Use the instruction sheet and structure guide to help you start your essay. Use your iPads and the useful links to assist you with your research.

4 Where are we on our progress line? How much progress have you made?
L.O: To explain the positives and negatives of the OCP, and what impact this has had on their population socially. . Where are we on our progress line? How much progress have you made? I’m not really sure what the LO is about I fully understand the LO


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