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"Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." Hunter S. Thompson

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Presentation on theme: ""Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." Hunter S. Thompson"— Presentation transcript:

1 "Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." Hunter S. Thompson
Agenda Why Research? Research Skills Check The Hardest Part Reading and discussion 1/3/13 "Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." Hunter S. Thompson

2 Bell Work List some of the research projects you have done in the past. Which ones did you like? Which ones did you dislike? Include specific details about your challenges or successes in your responses, please. Share out-try to get the kids to talk about what was hard, what was easy, and try to focus the conversation on how this project will address some of those issues. Write out positives and negatives on the board after students have had a chance to chat in small groups.

3 Research Skills Check Complete this chart, adding details about your response whenever possible. The more info you give me here, the more I can tailor instruction to help you with what you need help with, and the faster we can move through the things you don’t need help with! Note individual kids that will want/need more help

4 Why Research? To demonstrate a depth of knowledge related to your senior project topic To answer questions about a topic you are interested in learning more about To practice synthesizing information from multiple sources To prepare yourself for the academic expectations of college To demonstrate an ability to work and think independently Or… just to meet the requirement for graduation! Top two-personal or intrinsic motivation based on interest. Next three-intrinsic motivation based on desire for college readiness. Last one-external motivation, but good one to keep it practical!

5 The Hardest Part(s)? Gathering resources appropriate to the task and reading level (independent, instructional, frustration) Reading complex materials and identifying author’s claims Understanding your sources well enough that you can enter into the discourse and add your own reflections and insights in your paper It’s not really about writing, it’s about reading! If it’s about reading, than it stands to reason that we need to be sure you’re comfortable with reading. Define different levels of reading. Sure, you can read, but can you read well enough to really understand and not misinterpret the author? Conversely, we need you to read higher level texts in order to bring in a mature and academic perspective to your paper. The area where most research fails is in the reading stage.

6 On your own Read the article While reading, INTERACT with the text
Take notes, write comments and reactions and questions, underline ideas of importance, circle unfamiliar words After reading, on the back of your article (or more likely, on a piece of notebook paper) Write 4-5 sentences summarizing the article Write 2-3 sentences responding to the article. What was your opinion? Write a question you had about the article or a question you could ask someone about the article. When you finish your response, wait or work quietly till others are done Takes about 30+ minutes for this section. Reminders needed about writing on the text-yes, it’s needed, and it will be turned in. Finish this for homework.

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