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Differential Ability Scales (DAS-II)

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1 Differential Ability Scales (DAS-II)
Lori Holloway and Amber Glivens EDSP 5311 Houston Baptist University Dr. Reed November 19, 2015

2 Differential Ability Scales (DAS-II)
The Differential Ability Scales Second Edition (DAS-II) is a clinical assessment instrument designed for assessing the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents from ages 2 years 6 months through 17 years 11 months. The DAS-II provides a composite score reflecting conceptual and reasoning abilities. The primary purpose of DAS-II is to profile the child’s strengths and weaknesses in a wide range of cognitive abilities. The DAS-II is comprised two tests in one: Early Years Battery, and School-Age Battery. The test administered to our student was the School-Age Battery. It is comprised of six core diagnostic tests and nine diagnostic subtests

3 School Age Battery Core Diagnostic Battery
General Conceptual Ability Verbal Ability Reasoning Ability Spatial Ability

4 School Age Battery Core Diagnostic Tests
Recall of Designs: The child produces an abstract line drawing that is presented for 5 seconds and then removed. Word Definitions: The child is asked to tell the meaning of individual words. Pattern of Construction: The child constructs a design by putting together flat squares or solid blocks with black and yellow patterns on each side with timed and untimed options Matrices: Shown an incomplete matrix, the child selects from among four of six choices the figure that correctly completes the matrix. Verbal Similarities: The child describes how three things are similar or go together Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning: - The child is shown a series of items, and then completes the series by providing the missing figure.

5 School Age Battery Subtests
Working Memory Processing Speed Recall of Sequential Order Speed of Information Processing Recall of Digits Backwards Rapid Naming Recall of Objects(immediate and delayed Recall of Digits Forward Recognition of Pictures Phonological Processing

6 School Age Battery Subtests
Recall of Objects (immediate) - The child views a card with pictures of 20 objects for a specified amount of time . After the card is moved, the child recalls as many objects as possible for three trials. Recall of Objects (delayed)- The child recalls as many objects as possible from the card with pictures of 20 objects from the immediate test for a specified amount of time. The delayed trial must be minutes after the immediate subtest and no more than 30 minutes after. Recall of Digits Forward- The child repeats a sequence of digits presented orally Recognition of Pictures- The child is shown a picture of one or more objects for 5 seconds. The child then selects the previously viewed objects from a second picture that includes distractors.

7 School Age Battery Subtests
Recall of Sequential Order- The child hears a list of parts of the body and is asked to order the list from highest to lowest (head to toe). Speed of Information Processing- The child scans rows of circles containing small boxes and indicates which circles have the most boxes within a specified time limit. Recall of Digits Backward- The child repeats backward a sequence of digits presented orally Phonological Processing- The child rhymes, blends, segments, identifies, and deletes syllables, sounds and phonemes in words. Rapid Naming- The child names colors, pictures, and colored pictures as quickly as possible.

8 Interpretation of Scores
The DAS-II uses various scores for analyzing and interpreting results. The conversion of ability scores into standardized scores enables examiners to compare scores within DAS-II and other measures. The use of age corrected T scores and standard scores allows the examiner to compare each child’s cognitive functioning with children of similar age. The norm-referenced scores provides the most precise information, but can be difficult to use in isolation. Other information such as percentiles, confidence intervals, descriptive classifications, and age equivalents is often used in conjunction with standardized scores to describe the client’s performance.

9 Interpretation of Scores
In the area of the six core subtests, Madison’s General Conceptual Ability (GCA) scores range between a T score of 50 as the lowest in Verbal Similarities, and 69 as the highest Pattern Construction, with a mean T score of 62. The Special Nonverbal composite (SNC) ranged from 64 at the lowest in the area of Sequential & Quantitative reasoning to 69 being the highest in the area of pattern construction, with a mean T score of 67. Cluster scores in the areas of Verbal, Nonverbal and Spatial reasoning ranged from a standard score of 102(Verb), 130(NV) and 137(Spat). Diagnostic Subtests are divided into two clusters for Madison’s age: Working Memory and Processing Speed. In Working Memory, Madison scored a standard score of 97 in the 42 percentile equivalent with a confidence interval level (90%) between In processing Speed, Madison scored a standard score of 97 in the 42 percentile equivalent with a confidence interval level (90%) between She scored the highest in the area of phonological processing, and the lowest in Recall of Objects (immediate).

10 Interpretation of Scores
Subtest Standard Score Percentile Rank Core Subtest Scores Verbal 102 55 Nonverbal Reasoning 130 94 Spatial 132 98 GCA 123 SNC Diagnostic Subtests Working Memory 97 42 Processing Speed

11 Client Strengths/Weaknesses
Spatial Reasoning Non Verbal Reasoning Verbal abililty Working Memory Processing Speed

12 Client Behaviors The client exhibited behaviors that demonstrated that she was diligent in completing each task. On time limit items, Madison used all of her time limit if items were challenging, and did not give up before time was called. She was very attentive to feedback, and paid attention to the clarifications if she missed certain items. Madison demonstrated strategies to assist her in completing each task such as whispering body parts to herself before repeating them backwards to the administrator, writing numbers on the table before repeating them, and studying the images before recreating them using blocks. Madison became impatient during the end of the second administration due to hunger. She was allowed a snack break for more momentum, but after two subtests, she was mentally exhausted, and we scheduled another administration date.

13 Strategies for Instruction
Working Memory Play card games Category Games Connect emotion to information Teach Visualization Skills

14 Strategies for Instruction
Provide outline of lessons Use visuals Provide simple written directions Use signals to regain focus Processing Speed

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