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Memory Consolidation Trace Slow wave Reactivation Sleep

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1 Memory Consolidation Trace Slow wave Reactivation Sleep
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2 Memory Consolidation At the time of encoding,
memories are susceptible to disruption. With time, they become robust to interference (Mueller and Pilzecker, 1900) Cerebral trauma leads to a greater loss of recent than remote memories (Ribot, 1882) Thanks for inviting me out here.

3 Spindles Slow wave,delta
SLEEP Non-REM REM Stages Spindles Slow wave,delta Thanks for inviting me out here.

4 Thanks for inviting me out here.
Task Manipulat non-REM REM Stage 1 Stage 2 Stages 3, 4 Priming Conway & Smith 1994 Word Stem REM Dep -E +L Plihal & Born 1999 Intrpt Perceptual skill Karni et al. 1994 TDT Dep - + Stickgold et al. 2000 Corr +E Gais et al. 2000 +/-L Kattler et al. 1994 SSstim n/a Verschoor & Holdstock Vis/Aud Lrn Motor skill Plihal & Born 1997 MirrorTrace DeKoninck & Prevost Prism Adaptation Buchegger et al. 1991 Trampoline Fischer et al. 2002 FOS Corsi, Hanoi Smith & MacNeill 1994 Pursuit Rotor Walker et al. 2002 Fgr Tap Seq Explicit/Declarative Castaldo et al. 1974; Chernik 1972 VPA Yaroush et al. 1971 -L Barrett & Ekstrand 1972 Gais et al. 2002 Mental Rotation Meier-Koll et al. 1999 Spatial Tilley & Empson 1978 Story recall R/St4 Dep DeKoninck et al. 1989 2ndLanguage Thanks for inviting me out here.

5 Slow-wave sleep (~1-4Hz) contains:
Slow oscillation(~1Hz) (a.k.a up/down states) Faster rhythms can be embedded in the up phase of the up state The ‘up’ state is named for intracellular depolarization…notice how this appears as a trough in the extracellular LFP or in the EEG signal Thanks for inviting me out here. Neuroscience 137 (2006) 1087–1106 GROUPING OF BRAIN RHYTHMS IN CORTICOTHALAMIC SYSTEMS. M. STERIADE* Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Laval University, Faculty of Medicine,

6 Is there evidence for trace replay theory?
Memory Trace Reactivation … when neural activity patterns seen during a task are ‘replayed’ during subsequent periods of inactivity

7 Memory Trace Reactivation
Key Studies In rats, hippocampal activity patterns during behavior are related to patterns during subsequent periods of inactivity (Pavlides and Winson, 1989; Wilson and McNaughton, 1994), specifically, in hippocampal oscillations (Kudrimoti et al., 1999) demonstrated to co-occur with slow-waves (Sirota et al., 2003; Battaglia et al., 2004) seen in the hippocampus and neocortex of rats (Qin et al., 1997; Ribeiro et al., 2004; Ji and Wilson, 2007)

8 Memory Consolidation Trace Slow wave Reactivation Sleep Causal
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