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Title/Topic Points Evidence/Techniques Powerful impact

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Presentation on theme: "Title/Topic Points Evidence/Techniques Powerful impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title/Topic Points Evidence/Techniques Powerful impact Shocks and surprises Effective ending Final scene/Battle Fear for lives of characters T-Rex triumphs I-Rex escape Power of dinosaurs Victory of good over evil Important Issue Themes (foolishness/greed/ nature/power) Treatment of I-Rex Refusal to close park Claire’s focus on work too much Owen treats raptors with respect Mixed feelings Character who is admirable/ unpleasant Claire: annoying, serious, selfish, only cares about work but becomes more caring and honourable Owen: confident, hardworking, cares for nature and others, respectful of others I-Rex: treated badly, not had normal life, kills people and animals, intelligent

2 Title/Topic Points Evidence/Techniques Creates an emotion Fear of I-Rex Fear for lives of characters Anger at I-Rex Anger at park owners Sympathy for I-Rex Conflict I-Rex v. humans I-Rex v other dinosaurs Nature v humans Good v bad Claire and Owen Effective opening scene 3 parts Introduces main characters Set scene Peaceful/calm Builds up interest/tension Effective closing scene Final scene/Battle T-Rex triumphs Power of dinosaurs Victory of good over evil Potential for story continuation

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