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/əʊ/ and /ɒ/ and /3ː/ Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "/əʊ/ and /ɒ/ and /3ː/ Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 /əʊ/ and /ɒ/ and /3ː/ Overview

2 / əʊ / / əʊ / is a diphthong. It is the vowel sound in the following words: boat float hope

3 / əʊ /position boat float hope

4 / ɒ / / ɒ / is a monophthong. It is the vowel sound associated with the following words: stop hop want

5 / ɒ / position stop hop want

6 / 3ː/ / 3ː/ is a monophthong. It is the vowel sound in the following words: hurt flirt skirt

7 / 3 ː/ position hurt flirt skirt

8 Spot the difference / əʊ /+ / ɒ / or / 3ː / or neither
oat flirt twirp stocking wanted stained bonafide turgid stomp boat curve hopping coconut treading whopper comb

9 Spot the difference /əʊ/ /ɒ / /3ː/ neither Here are the answers: oat
stocking flirt stained /eI/ bonafide wanted twirp treading /ɛ/ boat stomp turgid coconut hopping curve comb whopper Total - 5 Total - 4 Total - 2

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