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Nutrition During The Teen Years

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1 Nutrition During The Teen Years
By: Mr. Fahler

2 Nutrition The Process by which the body takes in and uses food.

3 What influences effect your Nutrition?
Write down 3 influences that effect your eating positively or negatively.

4 Importance of Good Nutrition
Enhances your quality of life and helps prevent disease Calories (kilocalories)- are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body. Nutrients- substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.

5 Hunger/Appetite Know the difference between your physical need for food, and your psychological desire for food. Hunger- an unlearned, inborn response, is a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation. Appetite- is a desire, rather than a need, to eat. When your stomach is empty, its walls contract, stimulating nerve endings. The nerve signals your brain that your body needs food. Give an example of socially eating.

6 Emotions and Food Do you eat more or less when stressed, frustrated or depressed. Comfort Food Rewarding yourself with food, when you complete a goal. Boredom can cause people to over eat.

7 Food and Your Environment
Family, Friends, and Peers Cultural and Ethnic backgrounds Convenience and Cost Advertising Think of how your environment effects your eating. Family, Friends, and Peers - What they eat you eat. Your mom or dad cooks for you. Your friends eat out a lot Cultural and Ethnic back grounds- religious beliefs, pastas in Italian families Convenience- organic and healthy foods are more expensive Advertising- Fast food and restaurants constantly on commericials. 2 for 20 meals at applebees.

8 Healthy Eating Provides you with the nutrients you need for growth and development Prevents unhealthful weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Lowers risk of developing heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and osteoporosis.

9 Freshman 15 Video Option A
This one has humor to it but may not be appropriate shows beer in the song. I know one of my peers showed it at State College High School but I wanted to check with you first. Only want to show one of the two. G

10 Option B Web Md Article? Read The Freshman 15 article from Web Md

11 Eating on your own. One more year till you graduate
Eating is your choice now. Write a 250 word essay, how you plan on eating healthy and maintaining your weight. Give your own opinion and examples to back them up. 5 points for 250 words or more 5 points for spelling and correctness ( -1 for every 3 mistakes)

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