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Š. Emrich, M. Bruckner, S. Zerlauth, S. Tauböck, J. Funovits, N

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Presentation on theme: "Š. Emrich, M. Bruckner, S. Zerlauth, S. Tauböck, J. Funovits, N"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation-based evaluation of building design with respect to the planned use
Š. Emrich, M. Bruckner, S. Zerlauth, S. Tauböck, J. Funovits, N. Popper, M. Srećković, D. Wiegand, F. Breitenecker

2 Eco-Footprint vs. Utilization
Evaluation of buildings eco-efficiency with respect to activity within the building … Eco-Footprint Utilization = EF (Construction + Use + Overhaul) No. of service units (e.g. teaching unit) … what counts is the footprint per service unit!

3 Room allocation management
Optimization of room utilization Test of different Management- / Booking-Strategies Optimization of room blocking Test of scenarios and rules Optimization of plans Testing & improvement of plans 1 & 2 ergibt anforderung mit denen 3 gerechnet werden kann

4 Problems to tackle What is efficient space management?
How to measure it? How to find it? Staff adaption/adoption by staff habbits need to change Cooperation and coordination of stakeholders

5 Methods used Business Process Modeling (BPM/BPMN)
definition of common language description of application scenarios Discrete event simulation (DEVS) Enterprise Dynamics – modeling of system Database-driven model generation Agent-based entities Cellular automata (CA) walking time simulation Agent-based extention


7 Improving Entity-Control
DEVS & CA: all entities equal Agent-Based: unique entities Combination: Improve control (through AB-methods) Increase detail in entities’ behavior Semester, Curriculum, …


9 Static & Dynamic Model generation Initialisation Booking function
existing demand utilization Generation of students agent-based Course of semester exploitation of rooms event-collisions static dynamic Buchungsfunktion definiert Auslastung Buchungsstrategien: Know-How aus Flächen-/Raummanagement Dynamischer Verlauf: Ausnutzung, Terminkollisionen

10 General results Units of measurement
Number of erroneous booking entries: How many room-request cannot be fulfilled? Utilization of rooms: How often is a room in use? Exploitation of rooms: How is the ratio people-capacity when in use?

11 Space Management I Utilization during working days
Utilization (working days average)

12 Space Management II Increase of room utilization by reservation of several rooms (Semester-avergage of daily utilization)

13 Space Management III Reduction of unsatisfied booking requests
Only through control-strategy variation No temporal modification of events!

14 Summary Eco-footprint needs connection to benefit
Efficient space management significantly reduces number of unsatisfied room-requests could help save resources AND money Simulation is appropriate tool for evaluation of space management strategies helps gain deeper system-knowledge

15 Balanced overall concept Building concept Utilization concept
Demands & Goals Balanced overall concept Building concept Utilization concept Costs / LCBA Optimization of plans: Pre-testing of building plans Rapid Prototyping Visualisation with utilization (CAD-Connection) Owner Charterer / FM User Room structure Simulation: Room booking Space management Space allocation management Space management Utilization concept Development Designer

16 Thank you for your attention!

17 Discrete Event Simulation Cellular Automata
Input-Data (Lectures, Students, Rooms, …) Agent-based techniques user behaviour walking times Discrete Event Simulation Cellular Automata

18 (first come-first served)
Room-request 1 20 students Room-request 2 20 students Room-request 3 60 students Room reservation… Request 1 20 students Request 2 20 students booking system (first come-first served) Request 3 60 students c r o w d i n g – out e f f e c t

19 …with request-pooling
Room-request 1 20 students Room-request 2 20 students Room-request 3 60 students …with request-pooling „w o n“ r e s o u r c e request-pool Request 2 20 students Request 1 20 students optimization of booking-requests ETH-Studie: Reduktion der nötigen Raumfläche um 40% Request 3 60 students

20 Cooperation between stakeholders
Staff adaption/adoption by staff Simulation => evaluate space magnagement strategies

21 Courses at TU Vienna >150.000 course-hours per semester
14 weeks per semester 5 days / week 10h core time/day / (14 * 5 * 10) = / 700 >200 course-hours per core-hour

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