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Cryptography Lecture 12.

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1 Cryptography Lecture 12

2 Problems 1 Let t be a fixed n-bit value. If we randomly select an n-bit value x. What is the probability of x = t? 2-n

3 Problems 1 Union bound: Pr[E1 V E2] ≤ Pr[E1] + Pr[E2]
E1 V E2: disjunction (E1 or E2 occurs) What is the probability that a random n-bit value y is equal to any of q n-bit different values? = Pr[y = first value] + Pr[ y = second value] + … Pr[y = q-th value] = q/2n

4 Problems 1 Union bound: Pr[E1 V E2] ≤ Pr[E1] + Pr[E2]
E1 V E2: disjunction (E1 or E2 occurs) What is the probability that a random n-bit value y is equal to any of q n-bit different values? What if these q values are randomly selected? Simple… ≤q/2n Remember when this is used? (Our first CPA secure scheme using PRF! Page 83)

5 Problem 2 (Birthday problem) If q people are in a classroom, what is the probability that two of them have the same birthday? (Assume birthdays are uniformly and independently distributed among the 365 days.) Equivalently, if we choose q elements y1, y2, …, yq uniformly form a set of N, what is the probability there exist distinct i, j with yi=yi? This event is called a collision. Let’s write coll(q, N) to denote the probability of this event.

6 Problem 2 It can be proven (book pp. 543 and 544)
q(q-1)/4N ≤ coll(q, N) ≤ q2/2N Conclusion is important Proofs are standard (although not required by the exam, you are encouraged to go over them. It is a good exercise, indeed.) Very tight bound, mathematically beautiful Can be understood in two ways When N is small, coll is high! (so that you can attack!) When N is large, coll is negligible! (so that you cannot attack)

7 The remaining lecture Finish authenticated encryption and secure sessions

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