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Neutrophil depletion reduces myocardial reperfusion morbidity

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1 Neutrophil depletion reduces myocardial reperfusion morbidity
George M Palatianos, MD, Gilbert Balentine, ECCP, Emmanuel G Papadakis, MD, Constantine D Triantafillou, MD, Mary I Vassili, MD, Angela Lidoriki, ECCP, Athanasios Dinopoulos, ECCP, George M Astras, MD  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 77, Issue 3, Pages (March 2004) DOI: /j.athoracsur

2 Fig 1 Schematic presentation of leukocyte-filtered cardioplegia/reperfusion circuit. (AF = arterial filter; AL = arterial line; BC = blood collection; BT = bubble trap; CA = cardioplegia line, HC = high concentration cardioplegic solution; HE = heat exchanger; LC = low concentration cardioplegic solution; LF = leukocyte filter; OX = oxygenator; PC = pump circuit; PS = pump; RL = recirculation line; VL = venous line; VR = venous reservoir.) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

3 Fig 2 Myocardial enzyme levels (mean ± SD) at 6 and 12 hours postoperatively (postop). (A) Levels of creatinine kinase-MB (CPK-MB). (B) Levels of cardiac troponin I. *p less than Open bars = treated group; shaded bars = control group. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

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