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Liquids and skittles By: Ariah Gravely 12/8/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Liquids and skittles By: Ariah Gravely 12/8/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 liquids and skittles By: Ariah Gravely 12/8/14

2 which liquids dissolve the most color off a skittle ?
Scientific Question which liquids dissolve the most color off a skittle ?

3 Background I chose to do liquids and skittles because I wanted to keep it simple. I also wanted to do something that I liked and I like skittles. It seemed fun to do something that involves skittles and liquids.

4 Hypothesis If I put a skittle in all the liquids then I think the clear alcohol will dissolve the most color off the skittle.

5 Variables The independent variables is the type of liquid such as water,vegetable oil , and clear alcohol. The dependent variable is the amount of color that comes off the skittle. The constant variables are the amount of time each skittle is in the liquid.The skittle and the amount of liquid.

6 Materials The materials are clear alcohol, water, vegetable oil, skittles and three clear cups.

7 Procedure I put clear alcohol in one cup then in another cup I put vegetable oil and in the last cup i put water.Then next i put a skittle in each cup. I timed them for two minutes.I took each skittle out the cups.Then on a scale 1-10 I recorded how much color dissolved off the skittle and which liquid I used.I repeated the steps.

8 Data water clear alcohol vegetable oil
on a scale 1-10 I choose 6 because I took a little color off but not a lot . on a scale 1-10 it is a 10 because i didn't take any color off . on a scale 1-10 it is a 1 because I took of almost all the color.


10 Conclusion My question was which liquid took the most color off of a skittle? For the experiment I put 1 skittle in each cup and left them in there for two minutes then took them out . After I was finnish I looked at the skittle and recorded the amount of color left on the skittle.I found out that water took of the most color off of the skittle .Next time I will use more skittles.

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