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Answer in your Notes Read pages , answering …

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1 Answer in your Notes Read pages 358-359, answering …
(1) Difference between “Indian cultures” and “white people” values associated with land? (2) By the late 1860’s, many Native Americans had been placed on … (3) What developments threaten Native American civilizations?

2 “The West” 1860s 1870 1890 1900 Important things to understand about this era in U.S. History: ** Time of Individualism Legislation developing the West: Homestead Act, Land Grant Act, Pacific Railway Act 1870’s and 1880’s - Settling the Plains, Custer’s Black Hills Expedition (1874), Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) 1860’s to 1890’s - Wars between U.S. Government and Lakota / Dakota / Nakota / Cheyenne 1890’s - Wounded Knee

3 The West

4 Conveys “Manifest Destiny”
The painting is called “American Progress” by John Gast

5 Mexican-American War, 1846-48 & Mexican Cession
- U.S. decision to annex Texas in 1845 brings war.

6 Great Plains

7 Homesteads “Sod busters” “Soddies”

8 Settling the West by Non-Natives
Dry farming methods … Seed drills … Steel plow … Mechanical reaper … Windmills … Threshing machines … Mechanical binder … Impact … Threshing machine Seed drill Steel plow Reaper

9 Traditional Lakota Lands
Traditional homelands …

10 Great Sioux Reservation of 1868


12 “Oceti Sakowin”: The People of the Seven Council Fires
- Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota

13 Beliefs and Ideas Shape History!!!! Settling the Great Plains …
* Individual land ownership Verses * Manifest Destiny * Oceti Sakowin * “Tiospaye” - extended family

14 “Tiospaye” “Oyate” Nomadic … Impact of the horse … Buffalo …
Lakota Indian term for “extended family,” which provides the social support and material assistance. “Oyate” “The people” “The nation” “One large family” Nomadic … Impact of the horse … Buffalo …

15 “Mitakuye Oyasin” “All are related”
“All my relatives" or “We are all related” “Inter-connectedness” It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys.

16 “The Heart of Everything that Is”

17 Race Track – “The Great Race”

18 [1] Pages 1 – 8: What do we learn about the life of No Moccasins. Why
[1] Pages 1 – 8: What do we learn about the life of No Moccasins? Why? Have you known someone with similar attributes as this person? [2] Page 9: Why did the Lakota culture, a culture that values humility, allow young men to brag about exploits in battle? [3] Pages 9 – 12: Why did Crazy Horse demonstrate humility especially when considering that he was a war hero and he was supposed to brag? Why do you think he did this? [4] Page 12: From the handout, “Humility can provide clarity where arrogance makes a cloud.” What is your response to this, and why do you think this quote is true? Or, why do you think it’s not true? [5] Pages 13 – 16: What lessons are there in the story of Iktomi and Mato? Why do you think so? [6] Pages 16-18: What lessons can we learn from the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman presented in this chapter? 

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