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Macbeth Act 1 vocabulary.

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1 Macbeth Act 1 vocabulary

2 Earnest Adjective characterized by a firm belief in the validity of your opinions Synonyms: sincere, solemn, serious Noun: sincerity; solemnity; seriousness And, for an earnest of a greater honour,  He bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor.

3 harbinger Noun something indicating the approach of something or someone Synonyms: foreshadow; precedent I'll be myself the harbinger and make joyful  The hearing of my wife with your approach

4 chastise Verb to punish or severely criticize
chastise with the valour of my tongue/All that impedes thee... ( ) 

5 surmise Verb to infer with little evidence; guess
My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function Is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is But what is not. ( )

6 trifle Adjective something of little importance or value
The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray ’s In deepest consequence.

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