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At the Front of the Cave.

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Presentation on theme: "At the Front of the Cave."— Presentation transcript:

1 At the Front of the Cave

2 Rock Hyraxes

3 Rock Hyraxes Just inside the entrance of the cave, animals seek shelter from enemies and the weather. The rock hyraxes of Africa, Asia and Arabia use caves as places to hide. Chose the three most important words…

4 Hyraxes are mammals that look like big furry guinea pigs
Hyraxes are mammals that look like big furry guinea pigs. Hyraxes are defenseless animals and survival depends on safe shelter. Chose the two most important words…

5 During the day, families of hyraxes search for food
During the day, families of hyraxes search for food. They eat mainly plants and berries. Rock hyraxes spend a lot of time lying in the sun. Chose the four most important words…

6 The enemies of hyraxes are pythons, eagles and big cats
The enemies of hyraxes are pythons, eagles and big cats. When danger comes near, hyraxes will dash into caves for safety. Chose the two most important words…

7 Just inside the entrance of the cave, animals seek shelter from enemies and the weather. The rock hyraxes of Africa, Asia and Arabia use caves as places to hide. Hyraxes are mammals that look like big furry guinea pigs. Hyraxes are defenseless animals and survival depends on safe shelter. During the day, families of hyraxes search for food. They eat mainly plants and berries. Rock hyraxes spend a lot of time lying in the sun. The enemies of hyraxes are pythons, eagles and big cats. When danger comes near, hyraxes will dash into caves for safety.

8 Sum It Up Each word in your list is worth 10 cents Challenge
Using every word in your list, plus some extra, try to write one or two sentences about your topic for $2.00 or less.

9 My Summary Rock Hyraxes are defenseless mammals who seek shelter in caves. Rock Hyraxes are guinea-pig like herbivores who lounge in the sun and have many enemies. 30 cents over!!!

10 Summary #2 Defenseless Guinea Pig-like mammals, the herbivorous Rock Hyrax lounges in the sun outside the cave that is its only refuge from its many enemies. 22 X.10 = $2.20……. A Bargain!

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