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Objectives and Outcomes of the Third General Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives and Outcomes of the Third General Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives and Outcomes of the Third General Meeting.
Arrangements for Subject Area Group Work Ivan Dyukarev, University of Deusto Jakarta, March 2018

2 Agenda Aims, Activities and Results Programme SAG Work

3 Activities and Results
Aim The Third General Meeting presents results of the contrasting the meta-profile with degree profiles of each participating institution (Task “Bridging between Meta-Profile and reality”). The meeting includes training and step-by-step methodology for designing of the Degree Programmes. Besides, strategy for estimating student workload through a questionnaire survey will be discussed and defined. Finally, the first draft of 3 Subject Area Reports (Reference Points) will be elaborated and discussed.

4 Activities and Results
Task “Bridging between Meta-Profile and reality” The objective is to contrast the institutional current degree profile with the Meta-Profile agreed in Kuala Lumpur. This process allows to reflect on the coincidences and differences and to start the institutional validation.

5 Activities and Results
Students’ workload survey     The survey aims to approximate the real volume of work hours needed by a student to pass the unit/course/module from the point of view of teachers’ planning and perception and students’ opinion. This requires that each participating university in each subject area defines an ACADEMIC TERM in the PROGRAMME DEGREE. An academic term consists of a semester the programme degree.

6 Programme

7 SAG Work Schedule of activities and results Day, time Activity Results
21 March afternoon Reflection about Task 2 “Bridging between Meta-profile and reality”. Elaboration of a degree profile (related to the meta-profile agreed) Degree Profile End of the session 22 March morning Designing a Programme Consensus on the structure and content. Lunch 22 March afternoon Agreement on survey organisation and criteria (target groups, year of study, universities, dates, etc). . Students' Workload structure and timeframe 23 March morning First draft of 3 Subject Area Reports (Reference Points)

8 Thank you!

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