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Preparing to Teach Inventory in PHIMS

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1 Preparing to Teach Inventory in PHIMS

2 Outline Vaccines available in the training environment
Setting up Holding Points Teaching Viewing Requisitions Receiving a Requisition preparation Teaching Adjusting and Moving Inventory Pick/Pack/Ship for trainers

3 Timed agenda sample 8:30 Intro definitions and key concepts 9:00
Search Catalogue, Create Requisition (demo & practice) 9:30 Search Requisition. 10:00 – 10:15 Break 10:15 Receive Requisition (demo & practice 10:45 View Inventory, Adjust Inventory (demo & work in pairs) 11:15 Move Inventory (demo & work in pairs) 1145 Wrap-up

4 Vaccines in the training environment
A limited number of vaccines have been entered into the Training Environment They include all the vaccines that are used in the Immunization and Inventory scenarios This is done to simplify maintenance of the Training Environment

5 Vaccines in the training environment
Number Agent Trade Name DTap-IPV-Hib Pediacel Tdap-IPV Boostrix-Polio Pneu-C-13 Prevnar 13 Rotavirus Rotarix Tdap Adacel Influenza Agriflu Influenza IM Flulaval Tetra Pneumo 23 Pneumovax 23 Men C Menjugate Hep B pediatric Recombivax Hep B Engerix MMRV Priorix-Tetra HPV Gardasil 10/box

6 Train the Trainer Inventory Requirements for Immunization Scenarios
Vaccine 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total/user Order/user Hep B 0.5m 0.25 8 x 0.25 5 boxes of 0.5ml 10 boxes DTap-IPV-Hib 1 1 dose 30 doses Tdap-IPV Pneu-C-13 Rotavirus Tdap 11 doses 50 doses Influenza 21 doses 100 doses Pneumo 23 2 4 10 doses Men C

7 Holding Points for Teaching Inventory
Main (Default HP for all Users) The purpose of this holding point is to hold all the vaccines that are needed for immunization scenarios and to create and receive inventory requisition scenarios It has been stocked with a large amount of vaccine to allow you to run the scenarios Secondary The purpose of this holding point is for teaching: viewing, moving and adjusting and physical counts Set this up as defined so students can complete scenarios Keep small and tidy

8 SDL and Holding Points for Training
Region SDL HP – Main & default HP – Secondary PMH Brandon Brandon Killarney 80072 Southern Altona Altona Portage Northern Thompson Thompson Lynn Lake IEHR Selkirk Selkirk Stonewall FN Fisher River Fisher River Sagkeeng Cross Lake Cross Lake South Indian Lake WRHA River East River East Seven Oaks TTT2 & 3 Stonewall 80019

9 Vaccine Set-Up for Secondary Holding Point
Alternate Product ID Amount Pediacel 8 skus Recombivax HB 35 skus Fluviral 53.5 skus Menjugate 9.8 skus Pneumovax 23 55 skus Priorix-Tetra 13.6 skus Infanrix 5 skus

10 Secondary Holding Point in SKUs

11 Secondary Holding Point in Doses

12 Searching a Requisition Prep
The following is required to be prepared in advance: 2 requisitions with different statuses

13 Search example 1: What is the status?


15 Search example 2: What is the status,
vaccine and amount?

16 Search example 2: What is the status,
vaccine and amount?

17 Teaching Creating Requisitions
Have each student create a requisition for 1 item only This will keep your exercise simple Have each requisition be for only 5 SKUs Smaller amounts of vaccine “used” will make your training vaccine last longer

18 Receiving a Requisition Prep
The following is required to be prepared in advance: Generic MDA User ID Create a requisition for each student plus the instructor (these can be used from previous class, “Create Requisition” exercise) All requisition numbers will need to be recorded and one assigned to each desk/learner All requisitions must be picked/packed & shipped and shown in “Shipped Status” prior to class (see QRC 5.1 and 5.2) Note: The auto approval process takes at least 15 mins to approve. Due to this delay, complete pick/pack & ship before class (not during class) to ensure that you meet your teaching timelines.


20 Teaching Adjusting & Moving
Use secondary Holding Point Adjust or move small amounts only (5 SKUs) Adjust or move in and out the same amount so your training environment stays the same

21 PHIMS: Inventory – Pick/Pack/Ship Multiple Items for Trainers
QRC for Tr Log into Training as MDA Manager Operations Select the Inventory tab (top nav) Select Inventory Replenishment (L nav) Select Product Requisitions (L nav) Select Pick/Pack/Ship Products (L nav) The Requisition Product Fulfillment page appears Click Add Holding Points Select the checkbox for the appropriate Holding Point The search results appear in the Holding Point Profile Results factory table Click Search Enter the Holding Point search criteria Click the Add Holding Point(s) hyperlink The Requisition Product Fulfillment: page appears Select Pending Pick from the Requisition Status field Click Search The Pending Pick requisitions appear in the Pick/Ship search results Factory table Select the checkboxes beside the requisitions you want to pick/pack/ship Click Pick List The Requisitions/ Returns successfully Shipped message appears in the yellow banner Click Ship The Requisitions/ Returns successfully Packed message appears in the yellow banner Click Fast Track Pack The Requisitions/ Returns successfully Picked message appears in the yellow banner The Requisition Product Fulfillment: Pick / Ship Requisition / Return page appears Note status of select items is now Shipped

22 PHIMS: Inventory – Pick/Pack/Ship for Trainers
QRC for Tr Log into Training as TrainPanMDA01; tpanmda01 Select the Inventory tab (top nav) Select Inventory Replenishment (L nav) Select Product Requisitions (L nav) Select Pick/Pack/Ship Products (L nav) The Requisition Product Fulfillment page appears The Requisition Product Fulfillment page appears Click Pick List Select the Checkbox for the requisition to be picked Click Search Click the Override Holding Point Security checkbox Enter the Requisition ID that is to be Picked/Packed and Shipped Click Completed Picking - Go Directly to Packing Yellow banner appears Requisition has been picked an saved successfully Click Create a Container Enter the Pick Quantity into the factory table Click Save Container Click Completed Packing - Go Directly to Shipping Yellow banner appears Requisition/Return has been Saved/updated successfully Click Save Yellow banner appears Requisition/Return has been Shipped successfully Click Completed Shipping Yellow banner appears Requisition/Return has been packed and saved successfully

23 Trouble-shooting If a requisition is not going to “pending pick” status – check to see that the product being ordered is in the training environment (slide 5) Best practice is to prepare about 1 week ahead so if there is a problem, we can help support you to correct it Further details re: support to follow

24 Questions

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