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Isabel Silva ED 610A Professor Tim Scheidt

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1 Isabel Silva ED 610A Professor Tim Scheidt
EUSD Board Meeting Dec. 8, 2015 Isabel Silva ED 610A Professor Tim Scheidt

2 Call to Order Roll Call: members present Closed Session
Reconvene for Public Session Light snacks/refreshments were offered to the public. All Trustees had a pleasant demeanor and were actively engaged in the proceedings. All Trustees were present. There was very little interaction with the public during this meeting, but board members did maintain a positive and respectful tone during discussions with each other and with the Superintendent, even adding some humor throughout the proceedings.

3 Opening Functions 1. Pledge of allegiance 2. Welcome to the public
3. Report of Action Outgoing Board President, Carol Skiljan, asked me, Isabel Silva, to lead board members and community in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board president officially welcomes public and all stakeholders to the open meeting. Brief summary of actions taken during closed session. Superintendent, Tim Baird, describes activities and achievements of EUSD during the recent weeks Approval of Today’s Agenda Approval of Minutes from November Meeting 4. Superintendent’s Report 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Approval of Minutes

4 Public Comment Members of the audience were offered 3 minutes to comment on subject matter within the School Board’s jurisdiction. No such request was made in advance for this meeting, therefore the Board continued with the agenda as posted.

5 Recognition of Service and Election of Officers
Outgoing Board President Carol Skiljan was recognized for her distinguished service and commitment to EUSD Election of officers and a Board representative to the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) was conducted Photo 1: Board members offered praise and appreciation to Mrs. Skiljan for her effective leadership, her “what’s best for kids” approach, her increase in staff morale, for her continued focus on high expectations and for making EUSD known throughout the county, state and nation. Mrs. Skiljan shared that it was a successful year for the district and appreciation should also go to her board colleagues for their teamwork and the work that EUSD has done for the community. Photo 2: The Board elected the following- President: Emily Andrade, Vice President: Gregg Sonken, Clerk: Patricia Sinay, NCCSE Representative: Carol Skiljan, Secretary: Superintendent, Tim Baird

6 Information, Action, Consent
Approval/Consent: Most items were approved by the Trustees in all of these sections Exception to Agenda Item: Adoption of the Resolution In Support of Civic Learning Opportunities District-Wide Information, Action and Consent Items were reviewed and discussed for clarity and approval. One Trustee shared concerns for language written in the Six Proven Practices in Civic Learning. The resolution states…students will act as responsible citizens…though the word “citizens” may be interpreted as a US national, which some students are not.

7 Information, Action, Consent (cont.)
Point of Discussion: One Trustee disagreed with the interpretation of citizen as stated in the Six Proven Practices in Civic Learning, (EUSD students may not be legal citizens). Collaborative Effort: A revision was made to the language in the resolution to restate “citizen” as “community member,” before approval was given. A respectful discussion proceeded between all Trustees and the Superintendent that involved defining, deciphering and determining the meaning of the word “citizen” within the context of the Six Proven Practices in Civic Learning. A few Trustees felt that this semantic issue was irrelevant to the purpose of the resolution, but others felt it had merit because it dealt with the civic description of the members of a democratic society. Therefore, several suggestions were made to edit/revise the language to accurately reflect the district’s intention of these learning opportunities. A proposal was made to alter the resolution by substituting the phrase “community member” in place of the word “citizen.” All Trustees were in agreement and the resolution was finally approved. This demonstrates collaborative leadership instead of a majority vote. A critical step towards cohesion and teamwork.

8 Role of District Administrators
To provide the School Board with updates and recommendations on agenda items that impact student performance, staff development, parent involvement, technology initiatives, basic infrastructures, and district-wide operations. SOME OF THE RESPECTIVE DUTIES OF DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS INCLUDE: Fiscal updates, budgetary spending, grant monies and private donations Personnel changes, contractual obligations, policies & procedures Curriculum, professional development, accountability, and assessment Infrastructure, facilities and maintenance, technologies, and pupil personnel as described by EUSD Asst. Superintendents and Directors

9 Perspective on Interactions
Agenda items were not viewed as controversial and did not generate conflicting opinions. The Superintendent kept things light with occasional comments in support of board decisions.

10 Perspective on Interactions (cont.)
Trustees each shared their views on action items, but nearly all were agreed upon, or revised before approval. All stakeholders (audience, board, and superintendent) were respectful and engaged during the proceedings.

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