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Factors of Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors of Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors of Production

2 The Inputs of Production
Natural Resources Entrepreneur Labor Capital: Human Physical

3 Natural Resources Includes all materials used in production that come from the land Soil, water, minerals, trees, etc…

4 Entrepreneur Assembles all the factors of production to create new goods and services Henry Ford, Martha Stewart, Bill Gates

5 Labor Performing a task for pay
Includes self-employed and assembly-line workers

6 Human Capital Knowledge and skills a person gains through education or training ***Essential for technological growth and the maintenance of services in society

7 Physical Capital Human-made objects used to create other goods and services(like intermediate goods) Hammer, pencil, cash, bricks

8 Role of the Input Most resources require a contribution from all the inputs, but the level of their input can vary to produce the same goods Agriculture and Assembly-line phase out examples

9 Productivity Measured by the output per unit of input:
Labor: output per worker Physical: hammer vs. nail gun

10 Division of Labor Specialization and Division of Labor can increase productivity Ford Video

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