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Physical Science Chapter 13 Section 2

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1 Physical Science Chapter 13 Section 2
Simple Machines Physical Science Chapter 13 Section 2

2 What are Simple Machines?
The lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw are simple machines. Can be broken down into the lever and inclined plane families.

3 The Lever Family Levers have a rigid arm that turns around a point called a fulcrum. A lever can increase the force without increasing the work done, because the output force will be exerted through a smaller distance.

4 The Lever Family Levers are divided into three classes depending on the locations of the fulcrum, input force, and output force.

5 The Lever Family First-class levers are the most common such as a claw hammer. Scissors are made of two first-class levers joined together.

6 The Lever Family Second-class levers include wheelbarrows, nutcrackers, and hinged doors.

7 The Lever Family The human elbow is an example of a third-class lever

8 The Lever Family Pulleys are modified levers.

9 The Lever Family A wheel and axle (a car’s steering wheel) is a type of lever that is connected to a shaft.

10 The Inclined Plane Family
Inclined planes turn a small input force into a large output force. Which requires more force: lifting the piano directly into a van or rolling it up a ramp?

11 The Inclined Plane Family
A wedge is a modified inclined plane. Using a wedge is like pushing a ramp instead of pushing something up the ramp.

12 The Inclined Pane Family
A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.

13 Compound Machines Made of two or more simple machines.

14 Review #1 What are the six types of simple machines?

15 Review #2 Identify the type of simple machine represented by each of the following examples: Drill bit Skateboard ramp Boat oar

16 Review #3 How can a lever increase the force applied without changing the amount of work being done?

17 Review #4 Why would pulleys be in the lever family?

18 Review #5 Think of a compound machine that you use every day that were not shown in today’s slides. Identify the simple machines that make it up.

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