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2 Objectives: By the end of the session, the participants shall have compared the performance of farms with a view of finding ways to improve farming operations.

3 Benchmarking a continuous process of comparing the performance of one farm with another one that is performing really well. involves gathering information from farmers who have used good practices on their farms.

4 Benchmarking the information is used to compare performance with another farm. it helps the farmers stay focused on ways to make the most of their farm resources

5 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
LAND What is your farming systems? What is the total farm area? What are the individual plot sizes? How far are the plots from home? Who owns the land ? How much land is allocated to the different enterprises? Is there any intercropping? How much? What is the condition of the land? Fertility?Erosion?

6 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
2. LABOR How many family members can work on the farm? What is the total hours needed per enterprise? How much labor is hired? From where?

7 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
3. CAPITAL What stocks and reserves of food, cash, etc..are available? What machinery, tools and equipment are available? What is its condition?

8 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
4. INPUT SUPPLY What purchased inputs are used? From what suppliers? Are the inputs of good quality, reliable supply, etc.? What prices are being paid?

9 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
5. PRODUCTION What is your level of production? Are there any enterprise that are performing outstandingly? What is produced? What yields are achieved? What is the quality? What inputs are used? What levels are applied? When are they applied? How much of the crop is consumed by the household? How much is sold at the market?

10 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
6. POST- HARVEST MARKETING Where is the produce marketed? How is it marketed? How attractive is the market? What is the demand for the product? What are your marketing costs per item? What prices are achieved? Are these the best prices? Are there ways that marketing can be improved?

11 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
7. INFRASTRUCTURE What buildings are on the farm? How are the roads to the market? How are the farm roads? What is the source of energy for the farm? (e.g. electricity, biogas)

12 What aspects of the farm should be compare?
8. MANAGEMENT Which enterprises are the most profitable? How is the farm manage? Does the farmer keep records? What are the unit cost of inputs and materials? What is your over all level of profit? Does the farmer plan for the future? What lessons can you share?

13 Activity 1: Visiting Benchmark Farms
Materials Needed: Manila paper Pentel pen Tape

14 Activity 1: Visiting Benchmark Farms
Instructions: Organize enterprise teams. Starting with one benchmarking assessment factor ( e.g. land) ask each team to answer the questions developed. Interview benchmark farmer according to the benchmarking assessment factors Compare your farm with the benchmark farms Analyze the information collected and summarize the comparison Share 1 to 2 of the most important things they need to improve. What actions they will take to improve their performance

15 Input-Output Parameters
Particulars Benchmark Farm Typical Farm Output Yield (kg.) Input Fertilizer (kg.ha) Chemicals (li/ ha) Labor (MD) Seeds (kgs.)

16 Cost and Return Analysis
Particulars Benchmark Farm Typical Farm Revenues Yield (kg./ha) x Price (P/kg.) = Gross Return Cost (P/ha) Seeds Fertlizer Labor etc.... Total Production Cost/kg Production Cost /kg. Net Farm Income

17 Best Practices Particulars Benchmark Farm Typical Farm
Planting Materials Planting Method Land Preparation Fertilization Weeding Sorting Management

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