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Undulator X-ray Diagnostics P. Ilinski, E. Gluskin and N

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1 Undulator X-ray Diagnostics P. Ilinski, E. Gluskin and N
Undulator X-ray Diagnostics P. Ilinski, E. Gluskin and N. Vinokurov, Argonne National Laboratory April 24, 2002 Purpose of the LCLS X-ray Diagnostics Undulator X-ray Diagnostics Diagnostics setup On-axis diagnostics Off-axis diagnostics Conclusions LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

2 Purpose of undulator x-ray diagnostics
The x-ray diagnostics consists of tools for measurement and analysis of the spectral and spatial characteristics of spontaneous and SASE radiation along the undulator line The main goal is to measure the absolute flux of x-rays as a function of the distance along the undulator line Furthermore, the diagnostics permits measurements of the spatial distribution of spontaneous and SASE radiation along the undulator line LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

3 X-ray diagnostics setup
X-ray diagnostics will be located in the last break of each undulator cell, it includes: - x-ray diamond-crystal monochromator - PIN diode detectors and attenuation filters for absolute flux measurements - CCD detectors for spatial measurements CCD CCD PIN diode l = 2.9 Å Filters Undulator cell l = 1.5 Å Diamond crystal LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

4 Absolute spectral flux measurements
Si PIN diode Filters l=2d·sinq q q Diamond (111) crystal, 200 µm thick Bandwidth of diamond (111) monochromator is ∆E/E=6·10-5 LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

5 Absolute spectral flux measurements
Measurements of the total flux growth rate along the undulator line is valuable for study of the development of the SASE process LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

6 Spectral intensity measurements
dE/E, FWHM Diamond (111) 6·10-5 Spontaneous, four undulator cells 5·10-3 SASE 3·10-3 LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

7 Spectral intensity measurement setup
CCD Long distance microscope (INFINITY K2) Glass vacuum window Scintillation crystal (YAG:Ce, CdWO4) LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

8 Spatial intensity distribution of spontaneous radiation after first undulator cell
CCD Single electron Emittance included l = 1.5 Å LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

9 Spatial intensity distribution of spontaneous radiation after four undulator cells
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

10 Spatial distribution of spontaneous radiation after four undulator cells vs initial trajectory angle missteering x´ = 0 x´ = 2 µrad LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

11 Spatial distribution of spontaneous radiation after four undulator cells for different initial trajectory angle missteerings Trajectory kick before undulator #1 Trajectory kick after undulator #10 LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

12 Off-axis undulator x-ray diagnostics
Two undulators,10 µrad missteering l = 2.9 Å Diamond (111) LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

13 Conclusions X-ray diagnostics will provide direct measurements of absolute spectral flux and spatial properties of spontaneous and SASE radiation along the undulator line It will meet the following requirements: one-shot sensitivity for all types of spectral, flux, and spatial measurements many orders of magnitude dynamic range accuracy of the absolute flux measurement better than 10% few microradian sensitivity for trajectory straightness LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

14 Computation Spatial/spectral computation were performed using codes:
one cell - SRW (O. Chubar, P. Elleaume, ESRF) long undulator line - APS/XFD code Crystal reflectivity: Inpro (C. Vettier, ESRF) LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 P. Ilinski, et al., ANL, APS

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