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Agenda *Vocab Unit 6 (#1-10) *SLO Pre-Test * “Legal Alien”

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1 Agenda *Vocab Unit 6 (#1-10) *SLO Pre-Test * “Legal Alien”
HW: Finish reading/responding to “Legal Alien”

2 Welcome and Reminders (1/14/19)
Vocab Unit 6 Picture Quiz (w/notes), Friday, 1/18 Full Quiz (NO notes), Thursday, 1/24) Cultural Identity Word Photos Rough Draft, due Thursday, (1/17) Final Draft and Feather Circle (1 Word Photo to be read), Due Friday, 1/18 Pre-Course Reading COMPLETED BY Monday, 1/28): You will need your pre-course reading book (In class) as well as your completed work. You will use this work to complete a larger assignment for the unit. You should have the book finished – that is a given. If you are new to Hillgrove, it is your responsibility to view the PRE-COURSE reading assignment posted on the school website and speak to me with any questions you might have. You can finish it by 8/23 as well as the assignment.

3 Vocab unit 6 Intro to #1-10

4 Sgm pre-test

5 Read and respond: “Legal Alien”

6 “Legal Alien” Collaborative Reader Response
Everyone needs TWO sticky notes. Individual Response – Sticky Note Identify the juxtaposition used by the narrator and what it emphasizes/reveals. Collaborative Response (groups of 4 – grab 1 sticky note each) – Best Answer How does the author represent cultural identity in the poem?

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