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Province of the Eastern Cape

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1 Province of the Eastern Cape
The Department of Housing, Local Government & Traditional Affairs Presented by MEC Kwelita, DHLG&TA Date: 23 February 2007

2 Contents Status Quo (2006/2007 financial year)
2007/2008 (Approaching the Target) Challenges / Recommendations

3 Status Quo (2006/2007) Initial backlog suggested 48,417 buckets
Many informal buckets included Values verified by DWAF/Munic’s indicate 37,192 buckets As at end 2006/2007 approx 75% eradicated To date R213,8 million from MIG (ring-fenced) To date R71 million from DHLG&TA (PIG)

4 2007/2008 Approaching the Target
9,095 buckets remaining Cost to eradicate is R214 million (incl. associated bulk and additional water costs of R113 million) Secured funding R226,3 million (DHLG&TA & BEP ring-fenced via MIG) Surplus of R12 million to allow for budget over-runs on projects, etc.

5 Challenges / Recommendations
Shortage of funding in some municipalities and surplus in others. The split in allocations to municipalities needs to be rationalised prior to gazetting. Pre-implementation timeframes, (4 to 6 months). Project implementation 6 to 8 months exceeds Dec 2007 ! (June 2008)? Sector Dept’s and municipalities to expedite every process to ensure speedy implementation. Task team (incl. sector departments) supporting the process (before end March 2007)

6 Challenges / Recommendations
Technical and administrative capacity at municipal level Identify level of technical support (before the end March 2007) required to implement projects. (DBSA, SAACE-Energys, etc.) Timing and flow of allocations to municipalities and municipal budgeting cycles Relax provisions of municipal finance legislation allowing expenditure before July “Adjustment estimate” of municipalities to be finalised ASAP.

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