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Life is 10 percent what happens to us, and 90 percent how we react to

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Presentation on theme: "Life is 10 percent what happens to us, and 90 percent how we react to"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life is 10 percent what happens to us, and 90 percent how we react to
it. -Charles Swindoll


3 Why should we understand how the brain works?
The primitive region of the brain also known as the Amygdala is responsible for our instinctual behaviour when we are stressed. The primitive part of the brain can prevent us from thinking clearly and using good judgement. In other words the rational part of the brain gets hijacked by the primitive part of the brain which impairs our ability to make good decisions. (Fight, flight, or freeze) Flipping Your Lid Video

4 Name it to Tame It

5 What does it look like when your child flips his/her lid?


7 It is okay to feel like you are in the YELLOW or RED Zone.
There is NO bad Zone. Being in the YELLOW or RED Zone does not mean you are bad or naughty. It is okay to feel like you are in the YELLOW or RED Zone.

8 The GREEN Zone is the best Zone to be in for learning.


10 Tools and Strategies

11 ’s Toolbox exercise reading Quiet corner Six side breathing
Blue Zone Tools Green Zone Tools Yellow Zone Tools Red Zone Tools exercise reading Quiet corner Six side breathing Fidget spinner



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