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Gay-Lussac Law Combined Gas Law

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Presentation on theme: "Gay-Lussac Law Combined Gas Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gay-Lussac Law Combined Gas Law

2 Evaluation/Assessment: Common Core Connection
Objective: Today I will be able to: Evaluation/Assessment: Common Core Connection

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Engage: Real-Life Applications
Charles Law and Hot Air Ballooning Explain: Gay-Lussac’s Law Elaborate: Gay – Lussac’s Law Practice Explain: Combined Gas Law Elaborate: Combined Gas Law Practice Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up Why does the volume of a gas decrease as pressure increases?
Why does volume increase as temperature increases?

5 Objective

6 Homework Finish Practice WS from class

7 Agenda Warm – Up Review HW problems Gay-Lussacs Law Notes
Charles Law and Hot Air Ballooning Gay-Lussacs Law Notes Gay – Lussacs Law Practice Mixed Practice Combined Gas Law Combined Gas Law Practice Evaluate: Exit Ticket

8 Relationship between pressure and temperature Volume is held constant
Gay-Lussac Law Notes Relationship between pressure and temperature Volume is held constant

9 Gay-Lussac’s Law If the temperature of a gas increases, the pressure also increases This is a direct relationship between T and P P1 = P T1 T2

10 Gay-Lussac’s Law __1.00__ 298 _P2_ 318 = P2 = 1.10 atm
Example: If a gas at 25.0ºC and 1.00 atm is heated to 45.0ºC, then what is the new pressure? Assume constant volume __1.00__ 298 _P2_ 318 = P2 = 1.10 atm

11 Gay-Lussac’s Law Practice
Complete the practice problems at your desk. Selected responses will be reviewed as a class.

12 Combined Gas Law Notes

13 Combined Gas Law Put Boyle’s, Charles, and Gay- Lussac’s Laws together
Used when a variable is not held constant P1V1 = P2V2 T T2

14 Combined Gas Law/Mixed Gas Law Practice
Complete the practice at your desk. Whatever is not completed in class will be completed for homework.

15 Exit Ticket Create an explanation using the gas laws for the scenario that Mr. Klotz diagrams for you.

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