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Wrt 105: practices of academic writing

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1 Wrt 105: practices of academic writing
Dr. Rusty Bartels Friday, November 30th, 2018 Week 13, Day 3

2 Overview Freewrite Workshop Wrap-up

3 Freewrite Have you decided which assignments you are going to either revise or supplement for the Final Portfolio? If yes: What decisions have you made? If no: What are your current options and considerations? What progress have you made on the portfolio so far? (And little to none is ok!) How do you feel about what you’ve done?

4 Workshop: Q1 Assignment 1
What would you do if you were to revise assignment #1? What would you do if you were to create a supplement to assignment #1? What questions do you have about approaching it for either purpose?

5 Workshop: Q2 Assignment 2
What would you do if you were to revise assignment #2? What would you do if you were to create a supplement to assignment #2? What questions do you have about approaching it for either purpose?

6 Workshop: Q3 Assignment 3
What would you do if you were to revise assignment #3? What would you do if you were to create a supplement to assignment #3? What questions do you have about approaching it for either purpose?

7 Workshop: Q4 Of the assignments you just brainstormed, what assignment(s) are you considering for your revision? How do you think you want to revise them? What questions do you have about how to approach the revision?

8 Workshop: Q5 What assignment(s) are you considering to create a supplement to? How do you think you want to approach the supplement?

9 Workshop: Q6 When you think about yourself as a writer, what are you thoughts? How do you understand your relationship to writing? Do you think it has changed at all since the beginning of the semester? If so, how? After this semester, what is something that you know you want to work on?

10 Freewrite Review your partners notes to you. What stands out to you? What did you learn about your plans and thoughts for the Final Portfolio? What specific, actionable steps, do you plan to take to make progress on the portfolio? Monday we Peer Review the revision portion the Final Portfolio - what do you hope to have done?

11 Wrap-up Today we: Workshop! Next time:
Peer Review Revision Portion of Final Portfolio Preparation: Choose an assignment to revise for the Final Portfolio -- it's ok if this ends up changing, but have one specific document to bring in to class. Preparation continued: Whether or not you begin to actually make revisions to the assignment, I would like you to bring a set of questions about what you want your reviewer to be looking for or answering. For example: does my structure make sense? Do I have enough detail? What do you think of the third paragraph?

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