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2 Oscillating (Pulsating) Heat Pipes
Oscillating Heat Pipes (OHPs) are: -passive -simply formed -gravity independent two phase heat transport devices capable of excellent thermal performance without the complications associated with the use of an internal wick. OHPs have the potential to fill a niche in the passive thermal control of satellites. Typical OHP**

3 Project Objectives Evaporator Adiabatic Region Condenser Develop a design tool/model capable of predicting the heat transfer capability of a given OHP . Q Tc Vapor Plug Liquid Slug Basis for OHP Fluid Flow/Heat Transfer Model Collect experimental data to further our understanding of OHPs and help support and/or refine the model IR Thermograph of an OHP** References *Fingers, Richard, Williams, Andrew, "Breaking Down the Thermal Wall:oneAFRL Thermal Program," Proceedings from the Thermal Sciences and Materials Workshop, Kettering, OH, September 2008. **Khandekar, S., 2004, “Thermo-hydrodynamics of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipes,” Institut fur Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme der Universitat Stuttgart.

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