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"Waste - An opportunity for Vulnerable Women & Youth Entrepreneurship”

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1 "Waste - An opportunity for Vulnerable Women & Youth Entrepreneurship”
Nedup Tshering Executive Director, Clean Bhutan & “WangChu Waterkeeper” 5 Feb 2014, Foundation Day Registered: CSOA/PBO-33 on 11 November 2014

2 Current Situation Poor waste management can lead to significant environmental pollution & health hazards. With changing lifestyles; the composition of the waste have changed from degradable to non-degradable waste (NEC: SOE 2016) 27% of urban population not happy because of trash, litter and waste management (source GNH Commission survey 2016) 23 landfills in Bhutan – groundwater resource contamination (leachate) Household waste – 35 MT in 2014, to 50 MT in 2018 in Thimphu (source: Draft NWM Strategy 2018) Streams & rivers are covered with waste of all types (Source: Chukha Damsite) Financing gap & data limitations (NEC:SOE2016) Source: NEC State of Environment 2016

3 Why Clean Bhutan? Royal Patron
The only organization in Bhutan working on waste, whereas all other agencies have multi-tasking mandates Royal Patron Her Majesty, The Gyaltsuen (The Queen of Bhutan) Vision Zero Waste Bhutan Mission To change the mindset of every Bhutanese to practice sustainable consumption lifestyle by using available resources most efficiently Strategy Advocating Behavioral Change (ABC) to reduce waste going to landfill by managing waste at source to protect the local environment and groundwater pollution for improved human health by educating the community. Skill Development of vulnerable women & youth to use waste as secondary resources to generate additional income

4 Enabling Policy: Work with Local Governments, Municipal & Communities (policy intervention)
Partners: Development Partners Advocacy: on negative impacts & how to reduce waste at source by Practicing Sustainable Consumption Lifestyle Volunteers: Monk Body, Paro & Samtse College of Education, CSOs and CBOs & every citizen

5 Skill Development: Vulnerable groups (women & youth)
Clean Bhutan Strategy Happiness: Today it is all about a consumerist society Dump yard Landfill Recover Leachate Municipalities & Thromdes Enabling Policy (intervention) Efficient Facilities Incineration Least Preferred Recycle Skill Development: Vulnerable groups (women & youth) Compost Engaging Every Citizen Responsibility Reuse Reduce Waste Free Society (Sustainable Consumption Lifestyle) Advocacy Knowledge on Negative Impacts from Waste Most Preferred Reduce waste at source Less is more ©Clean Bhutan Bhutanese ERA

6 12 FYP & Clean Bhutan Strategy - Linkages
12 FYP linkages (16) NKRA 5, 6, 8, 11 & 15 (Reference: GNH 12FYP) pp 53 (table 9) priority at municipal sector (waste disposal & storm water drainage) pp 66 (3.1 Mandatory KPIs) highest priority waste sector for 12FYP for all dzongkhags Part X: Mainstreaming cross-cutting theme: pp69 1. Environment, Climate Change & Poverty 4. Vulnerable group – including youth & women pp. 77 improved garbage trucks & spill-tanks pp.88 protected area etc.

7 Clean Bhutan Strategy Linkages
1. Increased income of vulnerable group provides improved healthy lifestyle 3. To use waste as Secondary Resources by vulnerable groups to reduce poverty 4. Establish Self Help Group (SHG) for community vitality towards economic growth 5. Healthy ecosystem due to reduce groundwater pollution 6. Improved riparian for better aquatic ecosystem & safe drinking water 7. Practice sustainable consumption lifestyle to reduce waste at source 8. Reduced CH4 emission from landfill helps remain carbon negative (neutral) NKRA 5: Healthy Ecosystem NKRA 6: Carbon Neutral NKRA 8: Water Security NKRA 11: Productive Citizen NKRA 15: Sustainable Human Settlement

8 Challenges Opportunities
Current Situation Challenges Opportunities Waste generation changed from degradable to non-degradable Inappropriate technology Lack of fund 1. Synergy policy intervention through dialogues & information management Within 4 years, waste generation has doubled Poor implementation of rules Inadequate data for planning 2. Engage every citizens to be part of advocacy program through education & awareness Weak waste segregation Lack of business opportunity There are more landfill than Dzongkhags Rivers & streams floating with waste (aqua fauna) Poor awareness & education Limited knowledge negative impact 3. Development of entrepreneurs among vulnerable groups (Women & Youth) 27% Urban Population not happy (GNHC 2016) Irresponsibility to manage waste Consumerist lifestyle

9 Development Partners Opportunities Intervention Output
Synergies policy intervention through dialogues & information management Efficient waste management systems in place 1. Waste policy dialogues at Dzongkhag/Geog levels 2. Waste segregation through advocacy programs Reduced waste & increased capacity of landfill Engage all citizens to be part of advocacy through awareness/education 3. Waste free rivers/streams programs Healthy biodiversity & clean safe drinking water Development of entrepreneurs among vulnerable groups (Women & Youth) 4. Skill development & capacity building programs – products of waste Skilled & productive women & youth

10 Managing Urban Domestic Waste
# Types of waste How to manage waste Why manage Target group 1 All types of waste Reduce at source through advocacy Sustainable consumption lifestyle (Less is More) Advocacy to all walks of life 2 Glass waste Develop skills entrepreneurship Recycle Vulnerable women & youth 3 Plastic waste Business Opportunity 4 School uniform (old) 5 E-waste Entrepreneurship Protect the environment 6 Urban organic waste Composting Clean & Beautiful Urban community

11 What, Who & Why? Intervention by Development Partners
Capacity Building & Advocacy Policy intervention Target groups: Dzongkhags & Geogs level Target groups: Economically disadvantage/vulnerable women Youth - including recover addicts of Care Bhutan School teachers Monk body Local communities e.g. burning waste Urban poor – unemployed and employed Outcome: Well informed, skilled women & youth & efficient management system

12 Clean Bhutan is everyone of us
Facebook: cleanbhutan Contact: Together we can make the difference Tashi Delek Key Results: Improved environment healthy biodiversity, safe drinking water, improved health, productive and happy citizens

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