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Symbian OS Programming

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1 Symbian OS Programming
University of Tartu Requirements for the course Assignment Tony Torp

2 Requirements for the course assignment
Topic: Game Application of your choice Functional requirements: Background image and/or masked bitmaps Use of Timers (for moving objects like bitmaps, bullets etc.) Background music or sound effects (one audio file) Use of notifications (user name query and applicable information and confirmation notes) Options menu with at least the following items Optional extra: Advanced Intelligence Other requirements: No memory leaks Symbian C++ Coding Conventions used

3 Ideas Simplified games Catch me: PacMan Tank war Car racing
You move your animated figure up, down, left right on the screen. There are two enemies going randomly up, down, left and right on the screen. If you are hit by the enemy, you die There is a running time. The longer you survive, the more points you get. Optional: shooting the enemies PacMan Tank war Car racing

4 Returning the Assignment
Return by to Zip the project folder and send it as an attachment subject: “Tartu2006 Assignment” Put your (and your possible team partner’s) first name and surname in the message body Deadline: on 12pm The project can be done in groups of 1 or 2 persons

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