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What are variables? Lesson .5

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Presentation on theme: "What are variables? Lesson .5"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are variables? Lesson .5
Or what changes during experiments….

2 We are looking at the three variables.
What are they? Find out…

3 Sally Sue wanted to see if the kid next to her in math, Tammy Lou, made better grades because of where she sat. Sally Sue studied for her math test, and made a 90. Before the next test, Sally Sue switched seats with Tammy Lou and then studied the same amount of time. On the second test, Sally Sue made an 80.

4 Independent Variables
What is tested by the scientist What is changed by the scientist Also known as manipulated variables. What is changed to find out what will happen-the cause. Example: Candy before a quiz. What was Sally Sue’s Independent Variable?

5 Dependent Variable What is observed What is measured
The effect caused by the independent variable. The data Example: Better quiz grades? What was Sally Sue’s dependent variable?

6 Controlled Variables Things that could change but don’t
Kept constant (the same) by scientists These allow for a fair test. Example: The class that is unaware of the candy. What was Sally Sue’s controlled variable?

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