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Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association

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1 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
adopted by the Assembly of Members of the Helmholtz Association on April 18, 2018

2 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
Definition of the Postdoc Phase The postdoc phase is the stage of a researcher’s career that follows their doctoral degree. During this time, researchers further expand their skills and experience for a limited period of time in order to strengthen their scientific profile, and to identify and prepare for their future career paths within or outside of academia.

3 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
Responsibilities I The postdoc chooses and develops a research topic in agreement with her/his principal investigator plans her/his own career and independently obtains feedback follows and conveys the principles of good scientific practice strengthens her/his scientific profile The principal investigator allows the postdoc a high level of responsibility and scientific freedom gives constant feedback follows and conveys the principles of good scientific practice supports the postdoc in shaping an independent scientific profile enables the postdoc to acquire competencies beyond her/his own research

4 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
Responsibilities II The Helmholtz Centers provide the structures and resources for a successful postdoc phase support the establishment of central points of contact for postdocs ensure that research is carried out according to the principles of good scientific practice support the formation of self-organized and self-run postdoc networks aim to provide optimal support for the balance between professional and private life and especially to ensure family-friendly conditions

5 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
The Course of the Postdoc-Phase The principal investigator and the postdoc make an agreement at the beginning on the postdoc’s specific research and development goals and discuss progress regarding the agreed goals at regular status meetings. Postdocs should have the possibility to participate at conferences conduct stays at research institutions and companies in Germany and abroad participate in international projects gain experience of personnel management and teaching The principal investigator and the postdoc should have an in-depth career meeting, at the latest in the postdoc’s fourth year.

6 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
The Creation Process

7 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
The Creation Process Assembly of Members April 4, 2017 Installment of a working group headed by Sibylle Günter / IPP Workshop 1 June 14, 2017 Discussion of core elements of the guidelines Guest: Reinhard Jahn / MPG Compilation of first draft by Johannes Freudenreich & Christiane Kasack (Head Office) Workshop 2 October 6, 2017 Discussion of first draft Guest: David Bogle / UCL Feedback from stakeholders on updated draft e.g. by Directors of the Helmholtz Centers, Postdoc Associations etc. Workshop 3 January 22, 2018 Discussion and incorporation of feedback and finalization of draft Guest: Helke Hillebrand / University of Heidelberg April 18, 2018 Adoption of the “Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association”

8 Guidelines for the Postdoc Phase within the Helmholtz Association
Members of the Working Group Prof. Dr. Sibylle Günter Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Chair Dr. Claudia Kleinwächter GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Dr. Katharina Klein / PD Dr. med. David Elmenhorst Forschungszentrum Jülich Prof. Dr. Martin Lohse Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Dr. Isolde von Bülow LMU Munich Dr. Karsten Wurr Alfred Wegener Institute Dr. Beate Scholz Scholz CTC GmbH Prof. Dr. Anne Hilgendorff Helmholtz Zentrum München Dr. Christiane Kasack Head Office Helmholtz Association Dr. Barbara Janssens German Cancer Research Centre Dr. Johannes Freudenreich Head Office Helmholtz Association Coordination Dr. Lisa Wagner Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Dr. Iris Köhler Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

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