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Practice seminar discussion: the politics of consumption

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1 Practice seminar discussion: the politics of consumption
Week 9 Practice seminar discussion: the politics of consumption

2 What makes a good and inclusive discussion?

3 roles Chair – make sure everyone has their turn, encourage, keep time, field questions Introducer – discuss the historical context Experts on the primary sources Anyone spare? – discuss the secondary reading Concluder scribe

4 What issues should be discussed in relation to:
A) secondary sources B) primary sources?

5 Marking criteria Content (75%)
Knowledge of the texts is clearly demonstrated.  Critical perspectives are relevantly and helpfully  integrated into the discussion of the texts. Language  (15%) Responding and critiquing Formulating relevant questions Asking for clarity Inclusivity skills (10%) Eliciting , encouraging, acknowledging Checking understanding of the group

6 Groups for week 12 assessed discussion – each group to choose a different topic and sources

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