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Projectile Motion with air drag

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Presentation on theme: "Projectile Motion with air drag"— Presentation transcript:

1 Projectile Motion with air drag
A Computer Lab for Calculus Based Physics Dr. Richard Taylor Department of Physics & Engineering Muskingum University

2 Overview Developing an Algorithm Implementing the Algorithm
Kinematics Dynamics Algorithm Implementing the Algorithm MATLAB Excel Calibrating the Program Digitizing Real Data Applying the Program Determine the Initial Velocity Turn Air Drag Off for Comparison

3 Developing an Algorithm: Kinematics
Air drag is a variable force. Therefore, acceleration is not constant! But… If the time interval is small, then acceleration can be treated as a constant.

4 Developing an Algorithm: Dynamics

5 Developing an Algorithm: Algorithm
Constants & Initial Values

6 Implementing the Algorithm: MATLAB

7 Implementing the Algorithm: Excel

8 Calibrating the Program
Find the range for the no air drag problem by hand. Find the range using the program. Reduce the time interval in the program until the ranges agree.

9 Digitizing Real Data

10 Applying the Program: Determine the Launch Speed
Adjust the launch speed in the program until the two curves overlap.

11 Applying the Program: Turn Air Drag Off for Comparison

12 Materials can be downloaded from

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