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Intro to Writing Lab What’s the point?.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Writing Lab What’s the point?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Writing Lab What’s the point?

2 Adjectives Decide on an adjective that you wish your writing could become. Why did you choose that adjective? What have you read that fits that adjective?

3 5 Steps to Articulate Written Expression
The Writing Process 5 Steps to Articulate Written Expression

4 Prewriting -- THINK Brainstorm, plan, invent, outline
Decide on your topic – contemplate your thesis Consider your audience Scribble down ALL of your ideas Use graphic organizers Make lists Do any necessary research Create a skeleton of your writing

5 Drafting -- WRITE Elaborate on your scattered thoughts
Add original commentary Write sentences and form paragraphs even though you know they are far from perfect or acceptable Read what you have written to make sure it gets across the message you are trying to communicate Get a second opinion

6 Revising -- IMPROVE Re-read your draft
Take feedback into consideration Re-arrange Cross out Add thoughts Re-re-read to make sure your thoughts flow logically

7 Editing -- CORRECT Proofread your work
Make sure you do not have fragments or run-ons Check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation Re-think word choice or replace words that are overused Make sure your sentence structure is varied Re-word any awkward phrases Check for subject-verb agreement

8 Finalizing - PERFECT Re-write your draft neatly onto a new piece of paper Read your writing aloud Be sure your writing fulfills the assignment Congratulate yourself on a job well done

9 Essay Structure Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion
Begins with a ‘hook’ Ends with the thesis statement/main idea or argument point Does not go into detail Does identify title and author of text being analyzed Body Paragraphs Goes into detail about thesis statement Begins with a topic sentence related to thesis Conclusion Re-states thesis statement, however in a slightly different way Ends with a ‘gift’ for the reader

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