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Long Association Task Force

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1 Long Association Task Force
Marisa Orbea, Task Force Chair IESBA CAG Meeting September 14, 2015 New York, USA

2 Background August 4, 2014 ED 77 responses received
Long Association Background August 4, 2014 ED 77 responses received IESBA considered all comments and issues over January, April and July 2015 meetings Consideration by CAG at March 2015 meeting limited primarily to EP/EQCR rotation requirements Several views that EQCR rotation requirements should not be lesser than those applying to the EP

3 CAG views on EQCR reported to IESBA Taskforce has presented options:
Long Association Background CAG views on EQCR reported to IESBA Taskforce has presented options: Revised thinking on the EQCR Option for recognizing different jurisdictional approaches CAG to consider remaining items from March 2015 Conclusive views from CAG for IESBA

4 Rotation of KAPs on the Audit of PIEs – Proposals mainly discussed March 2015

5 Rotation of KAPs on the Audit of PIEs
Long Association Rotation of KAPs on the Audit of PIEs ED Proposal Respondents support? Board’s Current position 7-yr time-on all KAPs Most supported No change 5-yr cooling-off for EP on all PIEs Majority did not support No change, but addition of jurisdictional consideration 2-yr cooling-off for other KAPs on all PIEs (inc EQCR) Most supported but some significant disagreement EQCR - 5 yrs cooling-off on listed PIEs/ 3 yrs on non-listed PIEs/ 2 yrs cooling-off for other KAPs. Addition of jurisdictional consideration

6 Rotation of KAPs on the Audit of PIEs
Long Association Rotation of KAPs on the Audit of PIEs ED Proposal Respondents support? Board’s Current position 5 yrs off if only 1 yr as EP General disagreement If KAP for 7 yrs but EP for 4+ yrs or 2 out of last 3 then cool off for 5yrs EP becoming EQCR New issue – not in ED Liaising with IAASB ISQC 1 WG

7 Restrictions on Activities and Enhancement of General Provisions - Not discussed March 2015

8 EP - Recognizing different requirements
Long Association EP - Recognizing different requirements New proposal Stakeholder support? Board’s current position Allowance for a 5-yr cooling-off period for an EP or EQCR to be reduced to 3 yrs in certain conditions Was not in the ED. Option for dealing with many different approaches for example, jurisdictions with firm rotation/ retendering/or shorter time-on 5-yr cooling-off could be reduced to 3-yr if regulator/legislator with due process has: Determined time-on shorter than 7 yrs for EP/EQCR or Implemented MFR/or mandatory retendering at least every 10 years in addition to EP/EQCR rotation Implemented a regulatory inspection regime

9 Restriction on Activities Performed by a KAP
Long Association Restriction on Activities Performed by a KAP ED Proposal Respondents support? Board’s current position Allowance for limited technical consultation with former EP who is also a technical specialist after 2 years On balance, more respondents supported proposal that limited technical consultation during the cooling-off period be permitted with conditions Continued support - 2 changes re when consultation occurs only; With engagement team and not the audit client If no one else in firm has the expertise Reworded to remove any suggestion of being engagement team consultant Additional restrictions on activities performed by KAP in cooling-off Evenly balanced views. Against = too strict For = not strict enough Board continues to support ED and is not proposing adjustments.

10 Enhancements to the General Provisions
Long Association Enhancements to the General Provisions ED proposal Respondents support? TF considerations New C and .150D Most supported No change but .150D deleted as repetitious Concurrence of TCWG No change Enhancements to No change, but suggestions considered and added Applies to all audit team No change, but additional factors added Firm determining time-out 291 corresponding changes Corresponding changes


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