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U8D13 pencil, highlighter, red pen, calculator, notebook Have out:

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Presentation on theme: "U8D13 pencil, highlighter, red pen, calculator, notebook Have out:"— Presentation transcript:

1 U8D13 pencil, highlighter, red pen, calculator, notebook Have out: Bellwork: Given the point (1, –1) on the terminal side of θ, Plot the point Show θ and α Draw the reference triangle Label x, y, and r. Find sinθ, cosθ, and tanθ. Find θ in radians +1 y +2 +1 +1 θ x α total:

2 Given the point (1, ) on the terminal side of θ,
v) Find sinθ, cosθ, and tanθ. vi) Find θ in radians +2 Note the ratio of the sides. It’s a special right triangle! 45° – 45° – 90° Δ. +2 y +2 Recall: 45 = θ x +1 α 45 45 +2 total:

3 Take out a red pen, it’s time to grade the study team test.

4 Unit 8 Trig Test Bring: Pencils, erasers, highlighter, 3x5 notecard, calculator 3x5 notecard: Worth 5 assignment points. Must be turned in with the exam. We will begin the test immediately. If you know you take a long time on tests, then get to class quickly to begin. You will not be allowed to have extra time during lunch or after school.

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