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Bell Ringer 1/27/2016 How does commercial farming contrast with subsistence farming? Student leaders: 1- Mr. Loux 3x - Samantha To NOT lose your points,

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 1/27/2016 How does commercial farming contrast with subsistence farming? Student leaders: 1- Mr. Loux 3x - Samantha To NOT lose your points,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 1/27/2016 How does commercial farming contrast with subsistence farming? Student leaders: 1- Mr. Loux 3x - Samantha To NOT lose your points, within 23 seconds after the bell you should: Be SITTING in your assigned seat Silent Have your gold bell ringer sheet OUT Be COMPLETING your bell ringer FOR EXTRA CREDIT Be prepared to comment


3 Partners / Topics Shifting Cultivation Mya Amiya Pastoral Nomadism
Alana Tehearah Intensive Subsistence Ag. Jamarcus Tyrone Plantation Farming Harmonii Jose Mixed Crop and Livestock Sierra Dareale Dairy Farming Kameron Johnny Grain Farming JT David Livestock Farming Alicia Loux Mediterranean Farming Kayla Serena Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming Chrissy Samantha




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