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Public Health Development Directorate: Making impact

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1 Public Health Development Directorate: Making impact
9 October 2012 Public Health Development Directorate: Making impact National Forum – Bob Hudson Peter Bradley, Public Health Wales

2 Imagine.... Health inequity reduced
Seeing increasing international visits to Wales English Health Minister admits he was wrong Hearing personal stories of what this has meant to Welsh citizens Feeling proud of our public health system Directorate vision – October 2012

3 Directorate vision – October 2012

4 Why now? Staff and stakeholders demanding change
Great opportunity to make Public Health Wales centre of Excellence Now or never? Health Improvement Review Directorate vision – October 2012

5 …but there’s got to be a better way of doing it than this…

6 Staff response: what’s good
Great staff and expertise Leading edge practice – not always celebrated! Freedom to be a centre of excellence We are already changing Context –belief in public health/social justice Directorate vision – October 2012

7 What we need to work on? Integrated public health system
Having impact/large scale change Building up reputation/morale Managing expectations/clarity of purpose Everyone as a leader/speaking well of eachother Directorate vision – October 2012

8 This is the day we drew a line in the sand
Directorate vision – October 2012

9 Why are we here To reduce inequity To serve the public by
(Supporting) service delivery Supporting policy development Being advocates for social equity, population health and the vulnerable Directorate vision – October 2012

10 Integrated working...a start
Avoiding duplication and making sure things get implemented Requires everyone to have a national and local presence National roles being established and task and finish groups (5x5) Directorate vision – October 2012

11 Our Healthy Future?

12 How could we be? Become more effective advocates together
Be impact conscious. Focus on large scale change/doing things more simply Be active in aligning our work; prioritising talking to people Be creative, innovative. Remember the user Directorate vision – October 2012

13 Organisational development
Whole organisation involved Better and more flexible leaders, advocates, communicators, negotiators Making full use of networks Aligning purpose, better prioritisation, management Directorate vision – October 2012

14 Strategic choices and prioritisation
Directorate vision – October 2012

15 Immediate priorities Short term
Need to make some sense and get resources where we need them Then, go for it... What are we passionate about? What could we be best at? What must we do? Directorate vision – October 2012

16 Research, training and development Resource hub
Health improvement Support development integrated wellbeing service/ support community-based approach Lifespan approach and wider determinants Pathfinders as mainstream Focus on Local authority, Health Board, Third sector, workplace and primary care Healthcare workers deliver health improvement Healthcare Advocate for population health Support Health Board priorities (service quality and professional support) Support work on long-term conditions and mental health Secure services for vulnerable communities Work closely with primary care Research, training and development Implement international best practice Embed evaluation including user feedback Support systematic use of research Develop areas of service and academic excellence Develop opportunities for training throughout workforce Resource hub Act as resource hub for service delivery e.g. Observatory, Evidence review service, policy unit Co-ordinate international public health Co-ordination of events, on-line learning services, publications, communities of practice, peer support and challenge Tackling health inequity

17 Leading for something better
I want your help Thanks so far... Want creativity Keep the day job going, BUT... Leading for something better Directorate vision – October 2012

18 Always a challenge to do public health...
Directorate vision – July 2012

19 Challenges... Impact of economy on health NHS funding
Changes in Welsh system Public health reforms elsewhere in UK Directorate vision – October 2012

20 If we work together, we can succeed
Directorate vision – October 2012

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