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Society of Local Authority Chief Executives

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1 Society of Local Authority Chief Executives
‘Using land value uplift to fund infrastructure’ 28th March 2019

2 Murrell Green / Winchfield Hart 5,000-10,000 dwellings Monks Wood
Culm Garden Village Mid Devon dwellings Murrell Green / Winchfield Hart 5,000-10,000 dwellings Monks Wood Braintree 5,500-7,000 dwellings

3 Identified Failures Failure to capture sufficient land value uplift Housing without (or not paying for) infrastructure No real benefits for existing residents Broken development model creating a vicious circle of opposition and rising prices Development system not seen as fair Lightwood’s Solutions Local Planning Authorities need to understand what is required to deliver the new settlement before the site is selected Introduce phasing/ransom strips in to S106 agreements for new settlements

4 Understand the contract, early, and let it inform plan preparation and consultation
Viability Equalisation Master plan Establish to ensure land value capture and infrastructure deliverability Call for Sites SHLAA Draft Plan consultation Proposed Submission Plan consultation Examination Adoption 5-year supply dependency Application Don’t prepare the Plan on BLV outputs, and hope for the best

5 Managing Implementation
Use phasing / ransom belts as part of S106 for new settlements. Gives the electorate confidence Belt given to the local council around each masterplan phase, which then gives it control over the progression of the project. All promised infrastructure must be delivered before the belt is extinguished and progress allowed

6 Future waves of ‘available’ land for new settlements need to be forced to compete in terms of deliverability, not just sustainability. They need to prove credentials much earlier to inform ‘optioneering’. HIF and RIS budgets need to go further to meet 300,000 new homes from the mid 2020’s. Find efficient projects. Ditch the wasteful ones. Land needs to work harder. Still some way to get housing and infrastructure strategies to fuse together. Use ransom/phasing belts in S106 to ‘lock-in’ implementation in very large sites.

7 Benefits Security of 5 year housing land supply Housing Delivery Test Deliver Net Biodiversity Gains Deliver Affordable Homes Deliver Beautiful Places and Homes Deliver Infrastructure Gain the trust of Local Communities New housing less contentious Smoother planning process

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