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GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop

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1 GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop
National Outcomes GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop

2 What is the scorecard approach?
The national level outcome indicators are measured with the help of composite scorecards that consists of a set of individual indicators compiled into a single score or index. Composite indicators are used to measure and summarise complex or multi-dimensional issues which cannot be captured by a single indicator. They are useful to summarising information on performance and signalling policy and or intervention priorities.

3 What is the scorecard approach?
A typical scorecard looks like…

4 What is the mechanism for completing the scorecard?
In an interactive participatory process the composite indicator scorecards are discussed and scored. The score cards are discussed and scoring is done in a meeting with the GSF Executing Agency, the WSSCC National Coordinator and members of the GSF Programme Coordination Mechanism. To obtain a good and fair insight as well as to build consensus and ownership on the results and way forward, representatives of a number of other key stakeholders may be invited to participate in the meeting, for example the lead government agency responsible for sanitation and hygiene and lead donor and development agencies operating in the sector.

5 What is the mechanism for completing the scorecard?
In an interactive participatory process the composite indicator scorecards are discussed and scored. The actual scoring can best be done as follows: Share the composite indicator scorecard and definitions (annex XX) and give a brief explanation. Start with sub-indicator or statement 1.1. Explain the sub-indicator or statement as well as the different scoring criteria or specific conditions outlined in the annexes for the different scores. Check the available evidence for each sub-indicator or statement and compare the evidence with the specific requirements for each scoring criteria. Determine the score on the basis of the discussions and the available evidence.

6 National Outcome 1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6

7 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2
Substantial political commitment, increased resourcing, and strengthened coordination, capacity and systems for achieving sanitation and hygiene for all

8 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (1)

9 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (2)

10 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (3)

11 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (4)

12 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (5)

13 N.1: National enabling environment for achieving SDG 6.2 (6)

14 National Outcome 2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6

15 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2
Appropriate delivery mechanisms for sustained, universal sanitation and hygiene behaviours and services are applied to cover the range of contexts in the country

16 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (1)

17 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (2)

18 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (3)

19 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (4)

20 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (5)

21 N.2: Effective delivery mechanisms for achieving SDG 6.2 (6)

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