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Implementing the SIA guideline in New South Wales

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1 Implementing the SIA guideline in New South Wales
IAIA conference 29 April – 2 May 2019, Brisbane Session title: Institutionalising SIA practice within government decision-making Dr Richard Parsons, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

2 The NSW SIA guideline: Evolutionary or revolutionary?
Released in Sept 2017 Widely welcomed as ‘leading practice’ But is it revolutionary or evolutionary? Either way, what forces are influencing its implementation in practice?

3 Forces supporting the guideline (‘revolution’?)
NSW Department of Planning and Environment: Departmental leadership A collaborative approach to developing and implementing the guideline The quality of the guideline itself NSW communities: pressure and shifting expectations Industry: desire for more clarity and certainty

4 Forces inhibiting the guideline (‘evolution’?)
Inhibiting force Internal (government) perceptions External (industry) perceptions Resistance to change “We’ve always been doing SIA.” ‘red tape’ Discomfort with ‘non-technical’ sciences Technocratic view of IA as a quantitative, objective exercise Time pressures Improving SIA conflicts with desire to reduce assessment times More work will delay approvals Lack of professional capacity Assumption that biophysical scientists and town planners can do SIA

5 Shifting the balance Suggested response Inhibiting force
Resistance to change Refer to landmark Rocky Hill judgement – significance of: community cohesion & character, sense of place, mental health & wellbeing, fears & aspirations, distributive equity. Provide practical resources. Develop a collaborative culture around SIA. Discomfort with ‘non-technical’ sciences Time pressures Be honest and realistic. Highlight benefits of doing SIA well. Lack of professional capacity Insist on high standards. Support SIA practitioners to improve practice.

6 Dr Richard Parsons

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