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November 28, 2016 Sit in assigned seat (new seats next week).

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Presentation on theme: "November 28, 2016 Sit in assigned seat (new seats next week)."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 28, 2016 Sit in assigned seat (new seats next week). Agenda – Study Guide Topic Sentence-In a mixed economy, economic decisions are made by both individuals and the government.   Government involvement varies from country to country. Warm Up- What type of economy would you have the most economic freedom? Welcome back!

2 November 29, 2016 Sit in assigned seat. Take out Study Guide
STUDY FOR TEST TOMORROW! Agenda – Study Guide Key (answers) Topic Sentence - Ideas spreading from China to Japan is an example of cultural diffusion. Warm Up What type of economy would you have product shortages, long lines and limited choices?

3 Sit in assigned seat. Test today Write “Test” on warm up!
November 30, 2016 Sit in assigned seat. Test today Write “Test” on warm up!

4 December 1, 2016 Sit in assigned seat. Agenda – scantrons & new unit
Please write “test” on Nov. 30 warm up Topic Sentence- North Korea is an example of a command economy because the government controls all businesses. Warm Up- What type of economy would traditions and customs generally influence economic decisions?

5 Direct Democracy (also known as pure democracy)
is a form of democracy in which people decide (e.g. vote on, form consensus on) policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of modern Western- style democracies, which are Representative democracies.

6 December 2, 2016 Sit in assigned seat (last day).
Take out The Birth of Democracy Agenda – The Legacy of Greece Topic Sentence- Everyone including the leader follows the same laws and citizens have rights are characteristics of limited government. Warm Up- Where did democracy start?

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