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The Punnett’s Square Gregor Mendel.

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1 The Punnett’s Square Gregor Mendel

2 The Punnett’s Square Gregor Mendel is the “Father of Genetics”
Gregor Mendel was a monk in Austria He raised peas in a monastery garden Genetics 5/19/2019

3 The Punnett’s Square He noted that peas had several traits
Traits are characteristics that help to identify items Some traits are tall Some traits are short Some traits had smooth pods Some traits had wrinkle pods Some pods were pink Some pods were green Genetics 5/19/2019

4 The Punnett’s Square Mendel looked at each trait and notice that they were passed down through the off springs of the peas. He also noted that an individual’s looks and their genetic code is not always pass down. This difference is because of their genotype and phenotype Genetics 5/19/2019

5 The Punnett’s Square Genotype is the actual genetic makeup
The traits that identify the person Genetic codes Its fingerprint Phenotype is what the individual look like The traits that show physical features How tall? How short? Genetics 5/19/2019

6 The Punnett’s Square Dominant traits are traits that shows up more often Same kind of genes Similar cells Recessive Traits are traits that does not show often Hybrid individuals can look like they have dominant traits (phenotype) but can be hybrid (genotype) Genetics 5/19/2019

7 The Punnett’s Square Alleles are different forms of a gene.
For example: Brown eyes Tall Short Some hybrid plants can be carrying the allele for a recessive trait even if you can’t see it. (Mother is tall, but the child is short) Genetics 5/19/2019

8 The Punnett’s Square Some Examples of Some Traits: T – Tall allele
t- Short allele Tt- Mixed hybrid tt- Short allele T T TT TT T TT TT T Genetics 100% of all off springs will be tall 5/19/2019

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