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Please pick up your RAW book as you enter.

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Presentation on theme: "Please pick up your RAW book as you enter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please pick up your RAW book as you enter.

2 not; against; opposite
Do Now: Roots List 1 In the Vocabulary section of your RAW book, create the following chart. Word Part Meaning Two Examples Pre- before Un- not; against; opposite Re- back; again Mis- Wrong, bad or badly Non- not In-, Il-, Im- Post- Pro after; behind for; forward

3 Check your responses Pre- Un- Re- Mis- Non- Il-, In-, Im- Post- Pro
Word Part Meaning Two examples Pre- before prepare; preview; pregame; predict; premonition Un- not; against; opposite unreasonable; unthinkable; unfortunate; unjust Re- back; again revisit; review; revise; repetition Mis- Wrong, bad or badly mistake; misinform; Non- not nonrefundable; nonsense; non-negotiable Il-, In-, Im- ill-mannered; illegible; inadequate; impossible Post- Pro after; behind for; forward postpartum; posthumous; postgame; post apocalyptic proceed; progress; promote

4 Quiz! You will receive List 2 on 9-15.
There will be a quiz on 9-27 over Lists 1 & 2.

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